Chapter 58

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Mehmal's shirt was full of blood. Doctors took him inside. Inside, Pakistan's best youngest surgeon proceeded zaryab operation. Last week the doctor did his 49th operation. Today is his 50th operation.

That bullet was for Mehmal. She was looking at her hands which were full of blood. There were also blood marks on her face. They were Zaryab's hands. His eyes were closed when he was taken to hospital. Mehmal could not breathe. He will die. He was shot twice.

The doctor operating inside was also nervous because his chances of survival were slim. This was very important for his career. He will do everything to save his life. That bullet was for MMC's head Mehmal. That news was like a fire spread in every news channel. Mehmal was attacked and survived. Inside, the person, who was struggling with life, had taken over.

Someone took Mehmal's hand in his. Emer had held her for a long time, but she was not listening. She was in the operation theater area. She can see everything from the window; only an authorized person can be in that area. Mehmal was crying, and it was too difficult to stop her. She begged them to let her in. They let her in with Emer.

" Mehmal, your standing at the window will not wake him up. Please sit. Doctors are treating him." Mehmal was looking at him. Her eyes were red with crying. Emer had never seen her in that state. She cried devastated many times but never in that state.

" Mehmal, I'll call someone to take you to the washroom. Clean yourself. He'll be fine," he said. She shook her head " He will die, I know." she said. He was worried too. There was blood on his shirt as well. He took his body from Mehmal's arms. They were on the floor and had zaryab blood. She was insane when he was shot, and she was unstoppable. With great difficulty, he took him from her arms. An ambulance immediately came, but she didn't leave his body. Emer helped and took it from her. He knows zaryab is not going to survive. He asked one of the staff, and they told him it would be a miracle he'd survive.

He needs to inform his family, but he doesn't know anyone. Then he remembers he should call Suleman to inform Zaryab's family Mehmal is not in condition. Maybe his family has seen the news and will be on their way.

He called Suleman, and he picked it up immediately. "How's he? I got it from the Pakistani news channel. How's mehmal? Is she ok? " he asked, and he told him the condition and asked him to inform his family.

" If I saw it, they saw it too on the news. It's on every channel. But still, I'll inform them," he said

Soon the hospital was sealed by Pakistan police, and forces came for security. Inside the hospital, there is a particular person and an attack on MMC's head which she survived. The media was there. When he was brought there, she wasn't yelling or begging with any name but with something else.

A doctor and nurse came out, and Mehmal rushed to them. If she has to beg, she is ready to do that to doctors. She wants him to be saved.

" We need O-negative blood. The blood is on the way. We already gave him what we have. But I urgently need."

" MY BLOOD IS O NEGATIVE, " Mehmal said.
The nurse nodded and said she wanted to take her, but she looked out the window " What if I got him.."

" Nothing will happen, you come, " Nurse said, but Mehmal wasn't leaving. She started crying. Emer was worried about her health and that the news would affect mehmal. Her state told him she wouldn't tolerate it. He asked the nurse, and she took her blood there. Her condition wasn't to donate blood, and since their blood is rare, it will not get more accessible, but Mehmal will not listen if she has to fight to the death angel. She'll do that as well.

He realized Mehmal had a deep connection with Zaryab. She is in love with that man. This realization made his decision easy. But he can't decide and leaves her alone. He is responsible as well.

Mehmal (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now