Chapter 33 ( Revelation )

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Zaryab rarely comes to his flat. Maybe he was hunted by everything. He was sitting on the sofa in the living room. He had apologised to Anaya's father yesterday. He realised that he liked Anaya, not love. Now he doesn't even like her; he doesn't do anything with it.

Work fatigue and depression worsen his migraine pain. He wanted to sleep; he wanted peace.

Phone notification beep. It was 11 p.m. Mujtaba had a story. He ignored it but wanted to see how he was doing.

He was at a wedding. The colour of his face changed when he saw the picture of Suleman and his bride. He smiles Mehmal was not the bride to be comforted. But what was Mujtaba doing there? Does he meet them? Has he met Mehmal?

Sometimes exploded in his head when he saw Mehmal in a red gown. His breath was taken away. He had never seen a beautiful woman like her, or maybe no one appeared to be more beautiful than her.

The following story made him feel that a blood vessel in his brain might burst or he might have a nervous breakdown.

Mehmal with someone else. It was their engagement. Everything was moving in front of Zaryab eyes, from wearing the ring to dancing to wrapping her with a Red dubbatta by Man to his Mehmal.

To his wife
His heart was falling, or he was losing his mind with tears streaming. He called Mujtaba.

No, that can't be possible. His mano is angry. Will apologises she will never leave him. She will never have his place with anyone else.

Mujtaba didn't pick. He called again... and again, but he didn't pick up.
He screamed. His hands were paralysed he threw his phone on the wall. Everything beside him, he threw whatever was coming into his hand. His scream was renting the air. He fell to the ground.

Allah didn't do that. He felt utterly devastated. He felt remorseful, regretful.
Mehmal No, don't do that, please. Then his scream slowly subsided, and his throat was choked entirely, and suddenly then, he heard another voice.

I love her and you as well. But if you become stubborn, it will be miserable and difficult for me to treat you equally. In any case, she will be my wife.

He was looking at Mehmal at the exact spot where he was screaming. He was looking at her reflection. She was screaming and crying
Stop crying, Mehmal. Stop crying zaryab was screaming

Oh, Allah doesn't hold me accountable here... this pain is unbearable. Why did I it he was looking at Mehmal's reflection? Was she crying and screaming? He remembers he left her in the name of space. He felt a tug in his heart. Anaya texts him. He replied to her text. He thought and hoped that she would accept it with time. HIS MEHMAL is screaming and crying.

"Oh God, what have I done stop her screaming, stop her... "He lamented and placed his hands on his ears. He called and sobbed uncontrollably
" This is too much pain... I can't. Oh Allah, please stop," he screamed  " Allah, don't do that. I can't bear it. I can't bear this pain... Don't hold me accountable for my sin here.  I accept my mistake No... Not a mistake. Si. Sin My Allah don't do this " he screamed and overturned the centre table. Its glass shattered to the ground. " Don't do this, Allah. Don't take the women I love" his crying stopped.

" LOVE " the revelation dawned on him, and that too was where he confessed to his wife he loved another woman and took another wife.
" LOVE", he mumbled
" Mehmal wasn't my remorse, guilt, or wife. It is LOVE, " He said to himself.
" The pain I was feeling wasn't my attraction to her. It was my Love I was chasing," he said, tears still flowing. Suddenly, he felt difficulty in breathing. With trembling legs, he opened the terrace door to get air. He fell to the ground, coughing. He leaned against the railing. He was breathing heavily, crying over the loss of love۔

He always thought he cared about Mehmal. His emotional attachment to her. He always thought he lived in Anaya. He has to move in life, and Mehmal found a great partner.

His eyes went to the chair where he and Mehmal had his beautiful memories. He was looking at Mehmal. It was her reflection. She was laughing a smile came on his face. She turned her face to the other way, and Zaryab's smile fell. She is with that man on the chair. It's not his reflection but the other man's. He was touching her the way he did to her. She was laughing and kissing.

Zaryab halted and fell backwards. He was getting his vision blurred. His legs touched down on the floor, and he hurt his head against the railing wall. He was lucky he didn't hurt himself severely. Mehmal and that man's reflection are still in from of him. They were drinking in the same cup as he and Mehmal did.

Now he will do these things with his Love and his wife.

Holding his head, he felt vomit swell up. He bends over to the railing. He was screaming and crying uncontrollably as he vomited continually. He couldn't stay there more and ran from the place.

Why don't men understand the pain of women? Like man can't share why men expect them to share. They will do justice and love both. Give a chance to show. Why? This is man's wish. Not for women. Her wish is not to share her husband. Will they fulfil their desire?

He was running on the footpath, sobbing all the while he had no control over himself. People were staring at him, but he didn't bother. If there is the darkest chapter of his life, it would be the day he ruins his life with his hand.

"Zaryab, please don't do this", Mehmal's voice was not leaving his mind. He can still hear her screaming.
Everything flashed in front of him. Mehmal yells, screaming her begging, her eyes when she sees him and Anaya in the hospital, her engagement with the man dance. Red dubbatta wrapped around ber. Zaryab bends down on the road holding his head. A pain arose in his head his migraine pain was getting worse. Mehmal screamed. Everything ran through his mind.


He screamed, holding his head. Suddenly everything around him blurred, and darkness came in front of his eyes as he fell into the middle of the road.

People around him gathered, looking at him. He just heard their voices, and slowly, the voices were gone.


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