Chapter 61

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Mehmal didn't realize when it dawned as she had slept after a long time. As soon as she opened her eyes, the condition of Zayrab dawned on her.

She got up immediately and freshened up. After her morning chores, she wore a fresh set of clothes, and although she had missed Fajar namaz, she still offered her prayers.

|* Fajar is the first prayer offered by us Muslims just before sunrise *|

Sania, her mom, was setting up breakfast on the dining table when she came and said to her
" Mama, I am getting late. I...."

"Mehmal, Hammad Bhaijaan called up and said he would be picking you up. He is already on his way, so quickly have your breakfast. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday ." Her mom said to her, but she insisted on calling Hammad Mamu first. Sania fed Mehmal forcefully.

After breakfast, Mehmal went out as Hammad was about to arrive. She quickly boarded his car and asked him, " Has the doctor visited ?"
He shook his head negatively and replied, "Maybe by the time we reach, doctors will be in ICU too .".

In the hospital, Zamin was cornered by his seniors in a meeting " When you were told not to operate, why you operated on him? I told you to let it be. If he dies, it would be due to the bullet, but do you realize what kind of life it would be if he survives? Everyone will blame you for his condition. Are you ready to take the blame ?" Mubashir yelled angrily at him.

Zamin sighed and replied, "I have to face my Allah, not people on earth, and it's my conscience which won't let me see him dying without the help which I could give. I removed the bullet successfully without any further damage to him ." 

" His vitals are the same since you operated. They haven't improved even a little bit. His ..." Before Mubashir could say further, Zamin interrupted him and said, " Sir, there is still some time for 24 hrs to complete. We should hope for the best ." His seniors sighed, exasperated, and said, "You took a big risk, but you probably were interested in your 50..."

" It's not about my success. It's about life, sir. He is young and breathing, and even if there were a 0.1% chance, I would take it as I didn't want to live forever in guilt and remorse that maybe he would have lived happily with his family. I operated for my satisfaction ."

And for the sake of Allah, as it's to him, we all belong. Zamin thought

The meeting continued while Qureshi Sahab and Mujtaba were waiting for Dr. Zamin. Mehmal arrived and asked Qureshi Sahab, sitting on the bench outside ICU, " What did the doctors say?" Hammad sat beside him and comforted him, and said, " Bhaijaan keep the faith ."

" They are still in the meeting. After you left yesterday and Dr. Mubashir went, Dr. Zamin operated on Bhai, which didn't settle well with his seniors. He risked Zayrab's life and got Baba's signatures on risk involvement papers ." Mujtaba informed both his mamu and Mehmal.

Zayrab's operation was risky, and doctors didn't want to take such a considerable risk. Zamin came out of the meeting room and saw Qureshi Sahab, and told him, " Sir, I'll visit the patient and examine his vitals again first. Why don't you wait in my office, and we will only discuss him there?" Everyone nodded affirmatively. Mujtaba and his father went to Dr. Zamin's office, whereas Mehmal followed him to ICU.

Dr. Zamin examined him. " How's he ?" Mehmal was eager to know about Zayrab's condition. " Miss Mehmal, I won't lie to you." Looking into her eyes, he said, " He is not doing good . " turning towards the nurse, he instructed her "to infuse another unit of blood into him ." Now they have enough O Negative blood as many people came to donate for Zayrab, and after the required treatment, blood was ready to be infused into Zayrab's vein.

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