Chapter 10 (Mehmal and Anaya)

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It's been two months since Mehmal and Zaryab shifted to his parent's house. Mehmal was so silent that she could not escape such a shock. The house was preparing for Zaryab's engagement. She was listening to everyone in a closed room.

Zarmeena didn't tell Sania about Zaryab's remarriage. She gives them the good news. Mehmal, who was shocked, didn't talk, just ate and slept. Sania and Sikandar talked to her, but she started to cry. They thought it was her first trimester and they shouldn't disturb her, so they asked about her whereabouts from zarmeena.

Mehmal thought baby news would make him change his mind.

Mehmal, how you become so weak, you have everything why you become weak in front of him and are begging.

Zaryab was doing all the shopping himself with Anaya. zarmeena khalla told her to be patient.

Zaryab had entered the room and could see from her quiet face that she was showing great courage.

"Mehmal just stopped it. Come down and think of baby," he said while parting the curtains.

" Why I didn't listen, my father. He told me you are not my standard," she said, which made him turn to her. It was an insult to him.

Calm down, Zaryab. She is angry. That's why she is saying such words to hurt you

"Mehmal, let me in. We will go through this together when you see ana.." Mehmal didn't let him complete the sentence, and she threw an alarm clock on his side and a vase on him, which shattered.

" Don't say her name, I said, don't say her name", she said, which shocked Zaryab and made him furious.
" Mehmal, be mature. Enough is enough. Don't judge my patience," he said by grabbing her arms.

" patience, you cheated me, bastard ", she shouted enough. It was heard downstairs, and everyone came. She was yelling at him by grabbing his collar. Mujtaba tried to control her

" Bhabhi, please, Zaryab Bhai, why you came? What you have done is not enough that you want to make it more. Please leave," he said Zaryab was furious with mehmal.

" Fine, she's coming. I want you all to be civil," Zaryab said, leaving the room mehmal sat on the floor crying.

Her crying was heard downstairs zaryab saw his mother's face, who was ashamed of him.
He left the house to pick up Anaya's family.

At dinner, zarmeena, begum, brings mehmal by force to join when she entered, she saw Anaya and zaryab sitting together. Anaya saw her and stood to greet her " Mehmal, come sit here on my seat," Zaryab said and went to them.

" Anaya, she is mehmal and mehmal she is Anaya" Anaya smiled, which Mehmal didn't then she looked at him tears started flowing from her eyes zarmeena begum came to her zaryab getting an idea of her state, so he held her by her arms " come sit," he said Anaya and her family getting uncomfortable with Mehmal behaviour.

Mehmal looked at Zaryab with pleading eyes
" Please don't do this Zaryab. I'll die," she said. Seeing Mehmal crying and begging, zarmeena begum couldn't control herself, and tears glistened in her eyes, " Mehmal" zaryab said with gritted teeth " Come sit," he said. She looked at Anaya and lost herself. She took the glass and threw water at her. Everyone gasped.

"Mehmal" zaryab yelled and grabbed her by force " What have you done?" He shouted and pushed her.

" Sorry Anaya, she is not in herself ", he helped her " Zaryab, this.." she was in a state of crying. Her father and brother stood in his place," I think Zaryab, you should take your wife, and we take our leave. Please make her comfortable, " Anaya's father said he was furious about how her daughter was insulted by the women, but he was more furious with his daughter. he saw how his wife was not ready.

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