Chapter 4 ( wedding)

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Soon the wedding day arrived, and Zaryab had never been so nervous in their whole life before.

He was standing in front of the mirror, dressed in his sherwani. There was a smile on his face as he looked at his face. It was the second time such a smile come into his life. It was unique. Earlier, when he was a graduate, and now the marriage of his choice. He was anxious that he would fail in making this marriage work or worse Mehmal later said that she could not go with him. He came out of his delusion when he heard the band playing downstairs.

Mehmal had a similar situation. She was sitting in a room in one of the most expensive wedding halls in Islamabad. The photographers had taken pictures of her. A couple shoots when zaryab arrives.

She texted him
"I'm very nervous."

Zaryab's reply came quickly
"Me too"

She texted him
"What if we will not succeed? "

Zaryab's reply came quickly again, but it took time to type. Zaryab wants to give a message which consoles her.

We will do everything to make this work, any compromise, anything to make this work. I'll be with you. I promise you I know we both will not let down each other. I will not leave you alone.

Mehmal's heart found peace. It was not just words for Mehmal, and he had a vow to her.

Soon a text came, which made her smile.

Congratulations, Mehmal. I wish you a happy life ahead. Don't ever think you are alone in this world. You know I'm always there for you. You'll always find me beside you. I hope Zaryab will make your life happy and exciting.


Mehmal knows Suleman will always be with her no matter what.
" Mehmal bhabi Barat has arrived. Do you want to see it?" Sana asked, and Mehmal nodded with a smile.

Zaryab was sitting on stage with his brother. Soon Mehmal will come.

Mr. Sikandar did his best to marry his daughter the way she wanted. The decoration there tells how hard it took to decorate this hall. And all were fake flowers because mehmal did not like the original flower to be damaged in this way. If she didn't enjoy gardening, she wouldn't know its importance.

The photographer called Zaryab and Mehmal. Zaryab was waiting in the lobby for Mehmal. Mehmal was coming downstairs. She was beautiful, and her red dress was no less than that of a queen.

Zaryab took her hand when she was coming down and complimented her. The photographer didn't let this opportunity go and took the picture. It was naturally candid.

They didn't know a photographer was taking the pictures. Most of them were natural, and photographers demanded only a few.

Mehmal's welcome at the house was also so warm. Just as Zaryab and Barat were greeted, Mehmal greeted the same in her new home. Firecrackers were fired in the skies, and all over the house, corners exploded simultaneously. It made this moment even more beautiful, and in all of this, Mehmal's hand in Zaryab's hands, his and her smiling face were making everything attractive.

Zaryab gifted her with the diamond ring

He didn't tell her he brought the ring with all the money he had in his account with some other jewelry items which he had given her.
" I'll call Sana to help you in your dress and do wudu as well. We need to perform 2 Rakat nafal ". He said.


Mehmal (Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin