Chapter 40 ( Short chapter)

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"Did emir zaygil irritable to us less that this woman has also come? The end of this MMC is very urgent." Someone was yelling at their people at the office.

"We terrorised them in every possible way, but they did not fear. We told you to kill emer. " someone said to his senior.

"You speak rubbish without thinking about the impacts. To kill him means to start a war. He is sitting there as a senior foreign officer. He is Sitting in the embassy. Above, there are also many hidden pillars behind him. So far, we have weakened him in every possible way. What he does till now used to do charity aid and sometimes stop the violence against people, but now the matter has gone beyond the perimeters. " senior officer strikes the table.

" We tried everything snatched everything but don't know how emer got all the coverages." someone replied; the officer sighed.

" I stopped you not to kill emer, for why is this woman alive? She is nothing, no power behind her or she is not an official," he asked them.

" Sir, she is soon going to be Emer's wife. MMC is her project. She did everything." The officer nodded angrily. "He turned out to be smarter than I thought. He has made it special by giving his name. Otherwise, the project has reached such a point that it will not stop this woman's death. If anyone is killed, many Muslim countries will be uprooted." the officer said, and everyone nodded.

If this woman becomes his wife, we must answer to the Turks and Pakistan. The UK will not be involved because that lark has gone in flames. And being a Muslim, if we put someway her involvement with Hamas or any other, the UK will back off." the officer laughed hard. Other people in the room were looking at the senior.

" Emer is brilliant. He took our warning seriously. He is marrying the girl to give her his name. If she becomes his wife, his name will be Zaygil, and this name means ۔۔۔۔۔۔" the officer sighed.
" Kill the woman before her marriage to him," he said.

" She is in Pakistan. She is under the protection of many people." someone said.
" That's more good to kill her in Pakistan. She will easily get a tag as a terrorist, and we can easily ruin Pakistan's image. Before she attaches to the UN and OIC is already involved, try to make it like an accident. It's enough warning to Emer and OIC. Then no one tries to involve in the project. We will think about what we do to this, Zaygil." the meeting was dismissed.


I wanted to include it in the chapter but thought it should be separated from the rest. I don't want to confuse you guys. It was to clarify that if something happens, don't blame Anaya😂. Just kidding to explain if something happens, don't be confused about what is happening.
Rest if the story will be continued the way it is going. I will try to make it less messy with political problems and issues

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