Chapter 32 ( Dance)

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Sania was thrilled to hear the news. Emer sends his brother and his sister-in-law to Mehmal's house for a proper proposal, which Sania accepts. Amna and Suleman were also present.
Ezra arranged her Mehndi function. It was a traditional Turkish Mehndi event. The conventional henna function of both countries was combined. Mehmal looks after everything. She wanted to be happy for Suleman. He did so much for her. This was the least she could do. She didn't have the mood, but she danced. It was a lady's function.

Ezra wore a velvet gown, and a long red net veil was placed on her head. Henna was put on her hand, and all women revolved around her with that.

" Mehmal, you haven't seen our men's dance. Emer is a good dancer. We want you and Emer on stage tomorrow event," Ezra's mother and Emer's sister-in-law said Mehmal nodded, although she was not the Mehmal she was before, who loved dancing and all. If it's not Suleman's wedding, she might avoid dancing.

The next day everyone was busy getting ready. Ezra wore her white gown dress. The marriage ceremony would be according to the Turkish style. But reception would be according to Pakistani style.

Mujtaba visited them on that day.

" I think I disturb you guys. Just give this to Suleman bhai," He said. Suleman was coming from behind. "You are here. Come join me at the wedding," Suleman said. Sanai and Mehmal looked at each other he shook his head.

" No, I have to go back. Congratulations, " he said. "No, a man comes to join Mehmal and us. Did you tell him?" Suleman asked Mehmal, who was anxious about telling Mujtaba about her and Emer. He wasn't her cousin only but her Ex brother in law. Mehmal shows her wide eyes to Suleman, but he ignores her.

" Congratulate her," Suleman said to Mujtaba, who looked at Mehmal and smiled " I know soon she'll be famous. She told me her project in OIC. I'm happy she is progressing and moving on in her life. She deserves it," he said Mehmal smiled looking at him.

" Yeah, but that is not the reason only. We fixed her marriage to Emer Zaygil today is her engagement ceremony with my wedding," Suleman said. Mujtaba's smile fell. He looked in shock at Mehmal, and Mehmal was silent. Both of them were silently looking at each other.
Suleman said it purposely wanted Mujtaba to inform his family." I think someone is calling me out, and Mujtaba stay and attend the wedding for Mehmal," he said. Patting his shoulder, he nodded.

Mujtaba had tears. Sania left the living room to see outside. They were alone. He had tears in his eyes which he cleaned and smiled. Mehmal, too, had tears in her eyes " Cong.. Congratulations, I'm so happy to see you moving on." he said Mehmal didn't reply and looked down and cried. Mujtaba immediately came to her and consoled her, " No, don't cry, you deserve this. You should move on in life, Mehmal. We didn't care about you and valued you. That doesn't mean no one will. Bhai lost the gem", he said mehmal sobbed, loudly and hugged him " I tried to forget him, but I think moving on is a better option in forgetting him" mehmal cleaned her tears " Emer is a nice man he respects me and he is like me we will live a peaceful life and. " Mehmal couldn't complete her sentence and looked away. Mujtaba completed, " He will make you forget Bhai. You'll forget the pain my brother gave to you", said Mehmal staying quiet.

" I'll attend the wedding, your engagement ceremony. That is the least I can do from my side," he said, mehmal putting her hand on his face. He doesn't deserve he was suffering. Mehmal realises it.

The wedding was done. Emer and Mehmal didn't meet each other just saw each other but didn't greet each other.
" YOU haven't met Emer," Suleman said he was teasing her. She slapped him on his shoulder and then congratulated Ezra and Suleman.

" I'm finding it hard to imagine him with me," Mehmal said. Both Ezra and Suleman laughed. Their age difference and his serious personality make Mehmal challenging to think of him in another way.

" Mehmal ", Emer's sister-in-law, came to them " Here, take it" she gave her that which had a velvet gown and red silk veil. It was a heavy Dubbata different from Ezra. "It's my mother-in-law's. Emer wanted you to have this today," she said mehmal took it with a smile. " Should I wear it now?" Mehmal asked. She nodded.

After a few minutes, Mehmal came out in a gown. Sania cleaned her tears. She was missing Sikandar so does mehmal. She looked beautiful in a red gown

Mehmal and Emer joined the stage engagement rings were in Emer's brother's hand. He hugged Emer and kissed his forehead. Rings were attached to the end of the ribbon. He put the rings on Emer and Mehmal's fingers. Everyone clapped and then cut the ribbon. Emer took his brother's hand, kissed it and then he touched his hand on his forehead. Mehmal looked at it then his brother extended his hand towards Mehmal. She looked at Emer, who blinked his eyes. She did whatever ever did a moment back. Everyone laughed.
" Did I embarrass you?" Mehmal asked. He was controlling his smile and shook his head.
Mujtaba captured every moment of the ceremony.
Later everyone was on the floor Mehmal's eyes widened. Their male dance was unique and strange. Emer Ezra's father's brother, everyone was there dancing. Men raise their hands in the air and one leg up and slightly moving. Women raise their hands and move around.

Ezra Suleman dances in the same style. Mehmal laughed. Suleman can't compete with them. Press was outside. They were from an elite society. Emer Zaygil's engagement news will be in newspapers tomorrow and soon buzzing on the internet. Ezra grabbed Mehmal to the dance floor. She looked at Ezra in surprise. She shook her head " I don't know how to dance ", she said, " Just follow my steps", she said. Emer and Mehmal eyes met each other. He came near her Mehmal hands were raised a little she was following the steps that Ezra said, and Emer was dancing near her. Soon the floor was emptied. Only Mehmal and Emer were on the floor.

Mehmal just moved her hands up. Emer starts dancing differently. Mehmal was amazed he was a great dancer, and he knows his traditional dance well.

Emer took the red dubbatta Mehmal was in the centre, dumbfounded at what he was doing. He handed over the corner of the heavy silk dubbatta to Mehmal hand. She took it, then Emer revolved around her, wrapped her in dubbatta. It was his mother's, which he wrapped around her everyone clapped loudly. Ezra and his brother joined them. He looked at Mehmal, who was smiling around everyone then he walked out of place. Mehmal saw him going inside the house. " Oh My God, Uncle was never this romantic it was granny. He gave it to you," Ezra said, making Mehmal blush.

Mujtaba captured everything. He put this in the story. He wanted to show his brother Mehmal was not miserable without him. He went to the toilet to freshen up. After an hour, his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and sighed.

It was his brother.

He didn't attend it and looked at his brother's views. He immediately deletes it.


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