My Inner Insanity

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Two days have passed since the meeting and everything has been going well in the tower, everything but Akuma's mental state, since he woke up from that coma he's been seeing flashes of red here and there which he would just shake off, but somehow it got worse when he's alone, as Akuma was in his room sitting on his bed he started seeing blood on his hands which will freak him out, he got up from this bed and ran to his restroom and turned on the sink just to try to wash the blood off of his hands, but once he was trying to do that he looked up to the mirror and saw his own reflection smiling at him with the blood covered mouth, from seeing that he fell on the floor, when he picked himself up from the floor he looked into the mirror and saw that reflection was gone, but from laying his eyes on it he couldn't stop thinking about it, he left his restroom and his room headed to the one place that he knew he could clear his mind, as Akuma was now on the roof of the tower he leaned against the railings and enjoyed the night breeze on his face, but suddenly he heard the rooftop door open, he turn his head around to see Oni standing at the doorway.


"I knew I'll find you here."

Akuma turned his head away from her and stared out to the city ahead, Oni uses her quirk to teleport next turn.


"Hey are you okay?"


"Yeah I'm fine."

From saying that Oni knew that wasn't true at all.


"You're lying, what's the matter?"




"Stop lying to me, you know you can talk to me, so please tell me what's going on with."


"If I did tell you, then you wouldn't even know what the hell to say to me."


"Try me."

Akuma glanced over at Oni and started telling her what's been going on with him.


"And that's everything."


"Wow, I never knew you were going through something like that."


"Well I am and now you know, so are you going to tell me something about it?"


"To be completely honest with you, I don't know what to tell you about what you going through."


"Like I said, you wouldn't know what to tell me."


"I can't tell you what's going on with you but I can tell you that you're the only one that can solve this problem yourself."

Oni places her right hand on Akuma's back to give him comfort.


"I know you can resolve this Akuma, so I wish you the best of luck."

Oni then takes her hand off of Akuma's back the walks towards the rooftop door, when she opened it and was about to step out she turned her head around to look at Akuma one last time, after that she then left and from doing so Akuma was now alone on the rooftop again, he stayed at the roof until it reached 3:00 a.m., Akuma returned to his room and fell onto his bed where he then immediately closes his eyes and fell asleep, but as he was sleeping just suddenly started hear a voice trying to wake him up, he opened his eyes and sat up, but from doing that he noticed that he wasn't in his room, he looked around and saw that it was nothing but darkness but could see his hands clear as day, he got up from the ground and looked around until he was face to face with himself.

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