Hey Young Hero

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As it was a bright new day in a shining city, there was suddenly a major car accident, so Heroes and other authorities begin surrounding the area to prevent further damage, as many of the Heroes were helping people out of their cars and were brought to safety, but suddenly a car's hood caught on fire, the heroes began evacuating the people quickly before the fire could spread to any more of the cars, but while they were evacuating the other people the heroes did not notice that there was a boy and his two unconscious parents trapped in the car that caught on fire, the boy screamed out for help but no one could hear him due to the crackling of the fire, he tried waking up his parents but it was no use since they were out cold, from failing to do that he sat back in the backseat and held on to his Deku action figure and hope a hero will come soon to save him and his parents.



Suddenly the boy in the backseat of the car, saw the flames that began a engulf his car being put out by large amounts of water which showered around the entire car, shortly after that the back seat door was then ripped off of it changes, the boy looks over at the open door and sees a young hero offering his hand out to him, which happens to be the water hero, water devil.

~Water Devil~

"Everything's okay now, I'm here."

The boy grabs onto Water Devil's hands and he takes him out of the car, once he did that two other Heroes showed up and ripped the hinges of the two front doors and took out the parents from their seats, after all of that many of the people were safe and the crowd that was observing the Heroes begin cheering for them."

~Hero 1~

"You did a good job out there Water Devil."

~Water Devil~

"Thanks, but we all did a great job out there."

~Hero 2~

"The kid is right, we couldn't have done this without a bit of teamwork."

After the crowds cheers, there then sent away so the heroes and other authorities can clear out the cars that are blocking the road.

~Water Devil~

"This is really going to take a while to clear out."


"So do you need a little help hero?"

From hearing that familiar voice, Water Devil turns around to see his own hero and mentor.

~Water Devil~


He runs over to Deku and gives him a hug, but while doing so he realize that he shouldn't be doing that he shouldn't be doing that in public, especially to the number one, so he let's go of him Sam's back and looks right up at Deku.

~Water Devil~

"Sorry about that Izuk-, I mean Deku."


"It's fine Kota, it's been a long time after, and it's okay if you call me by my first name."


"A-all right, Izuku."


"It's really good to see you again Kota."


"You too, but why you here?"


"Well I came here to talk to you, but it seems that you're a bit busy moving cars at the moment."

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