The Six Generals VS The Big Three

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As days went by the Hall of Demons did not stop in their slaughter of every hero in each City, the amount of Heroes they've killed so far was over 100, and they do not plan to stop there, so on the 50th City they begin a full-on rampage again, many of the villains with new quirk were able to kill stronger Heroes that they could have never taken on if they only had one quirk, the streets of the city were filled with panic, terror, and so much bloodshed, so as all the Templars and the other villains were disposing of the remaining weaker Heroes who decided to hide from the fight, the six generals began gathering up together in the center of the city where they always plan to meet after they finished their own slaughter, but as all of them gathered up they noticed that Aki, Kenji, Maria, and Hanako haven't shown up, which must have meant they were still continuing their own slaughter, which was fin with the generals.


"So boys, did you enjoy yourself today."


"Sure did, and my kill count today is 60"


"Oh please I killed 88 today, which was a lot more from the previous city."


"Who the hell cares about the amount of heroes we killed?, As long as I carved up some heroes today, then I'm happy."


"He is correct, I fought many strong heroes today that have met there end by my own two hands, so I am at ease with today's slaughter."


"Well at least you boys had your own type of enjoyment, but what about you Akuma, did you have fun?"

Everyone looks over at Akuma and sees that he's not facing them, instead he was looking right out of giant dust cloud that covered a street completely.


"Yo Akuma, you all right!?"


"Someone's coming, and it's not one of our own."

From hearing him say that, they all stand next to one another and look right over giant dust cloud, where they then begin to get ready for a fight.




"Yeah... I see them."

Suddenly walking right out of those desktops where two people, a boy and a girl, who the generals can see that they are heroes, but right after those two walked out of the desk cloud something flew out of it and landed right between the two other Heroes, and they notice and it's another girl as well.


"Who the hell are those guys!"


"Those guys are UA's Big Three, they're the top students of their school and the closest thing to a pro Hero."


"You have to be kidding me, they sent students to try to stop us?"


"I guess so, but we should not underestimate them."


"Oh yeah and why is that?"


"Because they have stopped large amounts of villains and even stronger opponents that would have killed them."

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