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On the west side of the city where the explosions did the most damage, Akuma roamed the dust cloud streets alone, not knowing where exactly he's going, but as he was walking he suddenly heard footsteps behind him so he stopped walking, but from stopping the footsteps stuff as well, so Akuma proceeded to reach behind him to grab his knife, but as soon as his fingers wrapped around the handle of the knife he suddenly heard the footsteps again but this time in a sprinting action, so he pulls out the knife from its hilt, he turns his body the slash at the person running at him, but from doing so he stops himself right when the edge of his blade was about to cut through the person's neck due to seeing who's the person running at him.


"You damn idiot, you shouldn't have sprinted at me like that, you hear me... Slash."

Slash grins at Akuma, as the edge of his blade was about to cut through Akuma's neck.


"Haha, sorry about that I couldn't see you in this dust cloud, so thought you were some damn hero looking for some action."


"Well I thought you were a hero as well trying to attack me from behind, but knowing that it's just you..."

They both began lowering their knives from the other's neck and just looked at each other.


"I know I have nothing to worry about."



So after that they holstered their knives and begin walking close to one another so not to accidentally attacked the other.


"So you got separated from your group too huh?"


"Yeah I did, you think the others got separated as well."


"Maybe?, But I know damn well they could take care of themselves like we could."


"You're right, and I'm sure the Templar is in the groups are just fine as well, electricity to the center of the city."

They both continued walking through the dust cloud until they finally came out of it, and were able to see what was in front of him, but what was in front of them was another dust cloud, so without complaining they begin walking towards the dust cloud but suddenly before they even got any closer, Akuma placed his left arm onto Slash's chest which stopped him from going any further, confuse them why he did that he looks over it Akuma who's looking right at the dust cloud.


"What the hell is the matter?"


"Someone's coming."

Hearing that, Slash looks over at the dust cloud and suddenly hears two pairs of footsteps coming from there, so they take out their knives from their holsters and waits for what's coming their way, and in just a single minute, two familiar looking Heroes step out of the dust cloud.


"It looks like we found ourselves some villains."


"Yeah I guess we have."

As Ikue and Rieko see Akuma and Slash, they immediately recognize them as the first ever villains they have ever faced off against and we're completely beaten by them.

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