A Little Help

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After a few days have passed staying at the Plague's hideout not much is really happened, everyone was quite busy but Akuma was not since you will always finish his training early, so he would be in the room his room alone trying to take a nap or walk around through the corridors, but as he did those two things there was one thing he yearned to do and that was get up to a high place like a rooftop and look for out to the city like he did back at the tower, but since he didn't know this place very well he had no clue where to go, he didn't even know where the exit was since the entrance they came into was a large room that had no window, so wanting to go outside he began walking the corridors to see if he can find an exit, Akuma eventually made it to a corridor where Aki told him and the others when they first came here that they are not allowed to go through there no matter what, Akuma disobeyed that rule and went through that corridor anyways to see if there was an exit, as he went further and further into the corridors he suddenly heard a faint beeping sound which sounded familiar to that device Aki pulled out from her pocket during the end of that meeting, as Akuma continued walking the beeping sound began to come out clearer until he made it to a wooden door which he heard the beeping coming from inside, he faces the door and begin wondering what is behind that door but he doesn't open it since Kenji told him that it wasn't his business, so he turns away from the door but as soon as he took one step further he heard a man's voice come from behind that door.


"Is there anyone out there?"

Akuma turns towards the door and remain silent from hearing a voice that he was not expecting to hear at all.


"If there is anyone out there could you please give me a little help?"

From hearing that man asking for help Akuma couldn't help but to extend his hand out and turn the door knob, before he opened the door he took a deep breath and prepared himself for what ever is behind the store, as Akuma slowly opens the door he see a man in a wheelchair who is facing away from him and is writing in front of a table that is against the wall, Akuma looks at this man and wonders who exactly is this person and why is he here?


"You... Are you the one I called out to help me?"


"Yes I am, what do you need help with."


"Well I dropped a picture of my wife, could you please pick it up for me?"


"All right."

Akuma walks over to the man and looks on the floor and sees a picture on the ground that is close to the left side of his wheel, he kneels down and picks it up the picture that was also face the other way, he turns around and sees that the picture is quite old and the color is slightly faded, in the picture he also sees a woman in a sundress and in the corner of the picture are three words that say "I Love You", Akuma gets back on his feet and extensive his right hand out to give the picture back to the man.


"Here you go."


"Thank you, but I cannot take it."


"What do you mean?"

Off the corner of Akuma's right eye he noticed that the man did not have any forearms.


"Oh I'm sorry, I had no idea, I'll just leave this here for you."

Akuma then place the picture onto the table that was right in front of the man, after you did that he looked over at the man which he couldn't get a good look at his face.

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