Who Is Himiko Toga

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After a couple of minutes looking for the exit Akuma eventually found it, he approached the door that had the exit sign above it and lets out a breath of relief knowing that he'll be with the other soon, as he reached his left hand to the handle of the door to open it he suddenly heard voices on the other side so he stopped before he can grab the handle, he leans into the door to hear what those voices are saying to one another.

~Rebirth member 1~

"How long is mistress Chitose going to take?"

~Rebirth member 2~

"I have no clue, but if I had to guess I bet she's finishing up right now."

~Rebirth member 1~

"Good, as soon as she's back we'll go deal with those generals with the others like how she wanted."

~Rebirth member 2~

"The sooner the better, those damn fools never knew we were playing them from the start and once they hear one of their own are dead then they'll fall apart."

~Rebirth member 1~

"Haha yeah, hey what if the mistress doesn't come back?"

~Rebirth member 2~

"What are you talking about of course she's going to come back."

~Rebirth member 1~

"I know that, it's just that I had a thought that came to mind, on what if instead of our mistress coming through that door it was instead that guy we carried in there, what do we do if that does happen."

~Rebirth member~

"Well first thing that won't happen, our mistress is one of the strongest people here and she could easily kill him, and if that ever did happen then we'll just kill the guy in honor of our mistress, after that we'll kill the other generals as well then we'll dump their bodies in the ocean for the fishes to eat, then we'll continue what our mistress wanted us to complete and that was to take over this city and the neighboring ones as well."

~Rebirth member 1~

"You're right, our mistress will want us to move ahead even if it's without her, we will fight and kill her in her name just like how she wanted us to."

Hearing all of that Akuma backed away from the door and gripped the handle of his knife very tightly as he reached towards the handle of the door, but as he was about to touch the handle he sent me something so I'm thinking about his current state, he knows that he's too weak to even Dodge a single hit permanent opponents and has suffered too many injuries to move in certain ways, so he pulls his hand back from the handle and begins thinking of a way he could deal with those two outside, he soon thought of something which will allow him pass through those guards and even shatter their spirits, so he turns away from the door and proceeds to walk back to where you came from, Akuma eventually made it back to the area where he killed Chitose, he approached her corpse and kneel down right beside her, he grabbed her hair and lifts her head up, event place the blade of his knife against her neck which immediately started to spew out some blood after making contact, 15 minutes later the two Rebirth members that were keeping guard in front of that door twistingly surprised when the door was then kicked open, they both step away from the door and see Akuma who is covered in blood, as both of those Rebirth members looked at him with murders intent knowing that they're mistress must have been killed by him, so as they were about to use there quirks to go ahead and kill him they soon stopped once they noticed what he was gripping in his left hand which left them both horrified and completely speechless, they both stepped away from Akuma and didn't do a single thing as he walked away from them."

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