This Is My Family

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Only a few more days remain until the Hall of Demons head out to make an alliance with the other villains, but before any of that all six generals were preparing themselves in their own ways, like Akuma who was training day in and day out with his new knife, he has no clue what these other villains were capable of so if anything bad happened he'll be ready for the worst, but each night when he finished his training he'll always head to the rooftop and be alone with his thoughts, as Akuma was enjoying the view from up there he suddenly felt a vibration in his right pocket, he reaches inside and pulls out his phone that he must have accidentally put in his pocket back when he was checking today's news, he sees that there's a text message from Mio which says.

~Mio's message~

"Hi A."

Akuma opens the message and begins texting her back.

~Akuma's message~

"Hello Mio."

Have you sent that single message Mio quickly responded back.

~Mio's message~

"Thank goodness that you text back, I really want to talk to you."

~Akuma's message~

"So what's up?"

~Mio's message~

"Well I was hoping we can meet up again and have another day out like we did last time."

~Akuma's message~

"Oh I see, I wouldn't mind spending the other day with you, but..."

~Mio's message~


~Akuma's message~

"There's some important things coming up for me and a group of people, so I don't think I'll have the chance to go out, I'm sorry."

~Mio's message~

"Oh it's all right, maybe when you take care of those important things of yours we can meet up."

~Akuma's message~

"Sure thing."

~Mio's message~

"Well bye."

~Akuma's message~

"Yeah see ya."

After that Akuma turned off his phone completely and placed it back into his right pocket, as he stood against the railing he began thinking what Mio could be doing at this moment, but he stopped thinking about that as soon as he heard the door to the rooftop open, he turned his head around to see Oni at the doorway.


"I knew that I'll find you here."

Akuma turns around to face Oni while she approaches him.


"Well you found me, what do you need from me?"


"Nothing really, I just wanted to come and see you"

She goes up against the railing and starts leaning on it while she has her head turned towards Akuma who looked at her as well.


"So that all you wanted to do just see me?"


"No that's just one thing."


"Oh and what's the other thing?"

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