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As the fighting continued on around the city, the hero Inferno was was being escorted to an underground train station where his Entourage of Heroes wish him to escape.

~Hero 1~

"Come on sir, the train is just ahead."

~Hero 2~

"As soon as you're out of the city quickly contact the top heroes to show up."

Hearing his own Entourage of Heroes asking him to do such a thing began to enrage him.


"What are you talking about!?, We are the heroes of the city, we should be out there helping our own!"

~Hero 3~

"But sir, the city's been overrun with large amounts of villains that are attacking each side of the city."

~Hero 4~

"He's right, it's best that you escape and inform the top heroes of Japan."


"Why should I do that!?, I'm stronger than any top hero of Japan!"

~Hero 5~

"Sir please do not argue with us."


"Shut your mouths you cowards, if I leave now then it will tarnish my reputation of a hero, I would not run away because unlike the rest of you I am not a coward!"

As he yelled all of that out all five of his escorts went silent, but that silence was then Disturbed by the sounds of tapping coming down the stairs, Hijiri and his escorts looked up at the stairs and saw Tsuki going down the stairs, the heroes quickly surrounded Hijiri to to be the first act of defense, as Tsuki finally reached the bottom of the steps he soon faced towards Hijiri and his Heroes.


"Are you sure you won't run Tsuki like how you did when you left the village?"

The heroes didn't know what he meant by that but Hijiri knew exactly what he meant by that.


"Quiet you damn fool, I never ran away."


"Haha, even till this day you're still a bad liar, well I guess I can say something don't change at all, right my old friend?"

All five of his Heroes looked at Hijiri and were shocked to hear that, Hijiri another hand was beginning to get more furious.


"I'm not your friend, not anymore."


"Ah yes, I know that already."

As Tsuki was saying that he reached up to his glasses and grabbed the left side of them which he then begin to remove and reveal his scarred eyes.


"We stopped being friends once you gave me these scars remember?"


"Yes I remember, and I should have killed you back then too."


"Yes you should have, because if you did kill me then we wouldn't be here, but here we are now, and today one of us will die."


"Then if that's the case, I'll make sure that you're the one that dies today."


The Son You Never KnewWhere stories live. Discover now