All Of My Strength

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As the pro heroes and the villains kept fighting throughout the Tower, many explosions kept going off, either due to someone's quirk or a crate filled with explosives suddenly going off, due to the explosion the tower began shaking which Oni and Takeo noticed while they were walking through a hallway.


"What the hell is going!?"


"We might be under attack by the heroes!"


"Damn it!, How the hell did they even find us!?"


"I have no clue, but we must quickly find Akimitsu and King right away!"


"You're right, so let's keep on going!"

As they continued forward through the hallway, Takeo suddenly stops and puts his left arm in front of Oni witch stopped her as well, from seeing this she turned your head over towards him and notices that he's only looking ahead.


"What's wrong?"


"I hear a pair of footsteps coming this way."


"Is it Akimitsu and King?"


"I don't think so, there are three pairs of footsteps and it sounds like they must be in a hurry."


"The three footsteps that are heading this way, do you think they got past Akimitsu and King?"


"I don't know that?, But I do know the three that are coming will be here any minute."


"Then if that's the case, let's bring them down."

As Oni was grabbed the handle of her katana and was about to take it out of his sheet, Takeo then placed his left hand on her shoulder which grabbed her attention.


"You won't be fighting here?"




"Listen, I want you to go back to get Akuma and Slash, while I stay here and fend off those that are coming."


"Are you sure about this?"


"Positive, and once you come back with those two we will get Akimitsu and King on the way so we can leave the Tower together."


"All right."

Oni let's go of the handle of her katana letting it slide back into its hilt, from that Takeo go ahead and removes his hand from her shoulder, once he removed his hand from her shoulder, Oni went ahead and teleported away, leaving Takeo on his own.


"Now let me see, who are my opponents?"

After just a single minute, Ikue, Yamato, and Fumiaki reached Takeo who is standing in front of them with his arms crossed, as he sees the three of them he quickly remembers them right away.


"Hmm, so where the three of you the cost of all of this?"

They don't respond back to him with words instead, Yamato and Fumiaki go ahead begin running at him while using there quirk, to make a fire fist and an ice sword, as soon as they got close they jumped into the air to attempt to attack him from above, but Takeo quickly reacts to this and grab them both by the neck which causes them to stop using their quirk as he begins to tighten his grip around their neck, as he looks up the twins see a lot of resemblance to Shoto Todoroki.

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