What Happened To You

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After the fight between between the big three and the six generals, Akumu managed to fly out of the city while carrying Takashi and Terra in her talons, but each time she flaps her wings she began getting tired and very light-headed from the amount of blood she was losing, she tries her best to fight through but keeps on getting lower to the ground until she passes out completely and falls to the ground alongside with Takashi and Terra, they eventually end up falling on it on an empty road, barely clinging to life, but as they laid there a truck suddenly stops right in front of him, and hopping right out of the passenger seat was a fellow hero who then ran over towards them, after examinating their injuries, he called over some more heroes that were in the truck and had them carry the three of them on to the back of the truck, once the heroes have loaded them on they then turned the truck the other way and drove to the nearest hospital, 30 minutes later they arrived at a hospital and brought the big three inside where they were quickly attended to, during their operation of the three of them, Takashi's and Terra's injuries weren't as severe compared to Akumu, the doctor's bandaged Takashi's head to fix his dislocated job, they even stitched up his stable as well, with Terra, the doctors began removing the bullet shrapnel from her right calf and removed the bullet that was in her left breast which would have killed her, but luckily her heart was located on her right side instead so she managed to live, but as those two's injuries we're being tended to very easily, Akumu what's a different story, the doctors have to stitch up the giant wound down her back and had to stitch up her right eye, they even have to take out the bullet shrapnel from her left shoulder as well, 3 hours later they finished tending to Akumu's injuries and had her rest in a room, but as she was resting her parents soon showed up at the hospital, they demanded to see her but we're denied since she has just got out of the emergency room and needs her rest, which they understood and waited in the waiting room until she has fully rested and they are allowed to see her, but during their wait they saw their closest friends enter the hospital, where they then get up from their chairs and win over to them.



Tsuyu did not hesitate to go over and hug her dearest best friend, as they were hugging one another, Tsuyu vegan crying on Uraraka's shoulder.


"Ochako... It's Akumu, she... She..."


"I know, I heard what happened from the heroes that brought her and her friends in, everything's going to be fine, lost your strong and I know they'll come back from it."


"Thank you Ochako, I know as well they'll come back stronger from this, but my own daughter, I never wanted her to end up being in a place like this after a fight."


"I know what you mean."

Uraraka held onto Tsuyu very tightly so she can let out all the emotions that has built up inside of her, but while Uraraka was comforting Tsuyu, Tokoyami was approached by Todoroki and Iida, they don't tell him anything, instead they take him outside so they can talk without anyone hearing them, once the three of them were outside of the hospital, Tokoyami reached into his coat and pulled out a pack of cigarettes where he then takes out one and places it right between his beak, as he reached inside of his pocket to get his lighter, Todoroki offered his right finger that had a little flame on the tip, he takes the offer and like his cigarette with Todoroki's flames, after that he inhales the smoke with a cigarette, he then removes the cigarette from his beak and blows out the smoke.


"How are you coping with this Tokoyami?"


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