Long Time No See

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As it began raining even harder Akuma a bit drenched, he knew if he continued walking any further that the bird he had in his pocket will get wet as well, so since the train station he was heading to was a far distance away he knew one place that that was close by, so after a 40 minutes of walking Akuma made it to the place where he knew that he could get himself dry and a bit warm and that place was Pop's, as he stepped inside Akuma didn't see anyone but Pops himself standing behind his bar, Pops walked from the bar and over to Akuma what he bowed his head.


"Welcome, how can I serve you."

Akuma takes off his hood which makes Pops recognizing right away.


"Oh it is you, what brings you to my fine establishment once again?"


"To keep dry."


"Hmm I see, you are quite drenched, right here while I bring you a towel for you to dry off."


"Thank you."

Pops then walks away from Akuma and heads to the storage room to look for a towel, as he was occupied looking in the back Akuma stood where the front entrance was and waiting for him to return, but from doing so Akuma hears the door open, he turned his head around slightly to look over his shoulder to see Kaori walk in but equally as drenched as he is.


"Damn it's raining like hell out there."

As Kaori walked ahead she began unzipping her jacket to take it off but but from having her focus on that she then bumped into Akuma's back, after that she looked up at him.


"Hey watch where you're goin-"

She stops herself from finishing her sentence due to seeing that the person she just bumped into was Akuma, who is looking back at her over his shoulder.




"Yeah, hey Kaori."

Akuma turns his whole body around to face Kaori who is grinning from actually seeing him again.


"Ha, long time no see Akuma."


"Yeah same here."


"So what brings you back at Pop's?"


"It's the one place I knew that can keep me drive from that rain."


"Well I guess you thought about the same thing."


"Yeah I guess we did."

Kaori was actually really happy to see Akuma again, but as she was looking at him she noticed that is left hand is in the pocket of his hoodie.


"What you got there?"

Kaori pointed at his pocket that his left hand was in which Akuma knew that she was going to notice right away.


"It's nothing."


"Are you sure about that?, Because I think it's something."

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