Singha's Importance

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Giving up Singha was a little easier knowing teacher Pohn and Mon will take care of him. I got into the car grandma sent to pick us up from school. Engfa and Charlotte were in their own world being lovey-dovey and I just stared out the window wondering why everything was so complicated. I'm barely 12 years old and I can feel the pressure from my grandma on the whole family. 

My parents got me a dog before they left us under grandma's care. Grandma hated Singha even though he was really well behaved. Singha had been with us for the past couple of months even if grandma yelled at my parents for bringing him into our lives. Singha became my best friend. The only one who never asked anything of me. I didn't have to pretend to be someone I'm not with Singha. I was deep in thought when I felt someone's elbow touch my arm.

Char: "Hey kid! Aren't you going to say goodbye?" We arrived at Charlotte's home and I didn't even notice. I wish I could live here. Her parents were so carefree and fun. They accepted Engfa and Charlotte's relationship from the start. That is something grandma will never do.

KS: "Sorry, I was thinking about Singha." I give her a hug and kiss her cheek. Charlotte ruffles my hair making me giggle.

Char: "He'll be fine. We can go visit him soon, okay?" I nod happily. Engfa and Charlotte share a kiss. I always feel butterflies in my stomach when I see them do that. I guess I'm just happy my sister's happy. Engfa gets back in the car, and we head towards grandma's house.

I missed my real home. We had to stay with grandma for the next couple of months because Mom and Dad are doing business overseas. Singha was their going away present for all of us, but mostly for me. I asked Dad if I could get a pet a few months ago and he said that if I behaved really well and got the best grades possible, he would get me one. Mom was hesitant about it. She said it was too big of a responsibility. I begged her to let me demonstrate that I could be really responsible. In the end, she agreed. 

The day I got Singha was the happiest and saddest day. Mom and Dad told us that we were moving in with grandma, a fact that Engfa hated a lot. Song, my middle sister, wasn't too happy about it either, but she just nodded and hugged Mom and Dad. I didn't care where I lived, I just didn't want Mom and Dad to go. We rarely saw them as it was and now they were going to the United States to open a new branch in the family business which would take months.

P'Fa: "Do we have to stay with grandma? I bet Charlotte's family would take us in."

Dad: "You know how your grandma feels about the Austins especially Charlotte so the only option is your grandma. And it's only going to be for a couple of months." Engfa sighed and nodded.

Song: "Will I still be able to play sports? You know grandma doesn't find it ladylike."

Mom: "We talked to your grandmother about it. Your routines are not going to change, you will just be staying at a different place while we're gone."

Song: "Okay good! We are training really hard to go to nationals and I do not want to miss that." Song was the sporty one in the family. She played basketball and soccer. The best part was going to her games and cheering her on. After the games, whether they won or lost, we always went to the movies and got ice cream. It was a really good family tradition.

Dad: "You'll get a big reward if you win the next game, okay?"

Song: "Ohh I can't wait!" Engfa was the eldest and all the responsibility and grandmother's demands fell onto her shoulders. The only time I ever saw her genuine smile was when she was with Charlotte or just us three.

P'Fa: "You are awfully quiet there Sam. Are you okay?" I started to cry, and my parents hugged me.

Mom: "Sweetie! Everything will be fine. Time will go by really quickly I promise." Engfa caressed my back.

Sam: "I'm going to miss you so much."

Dad: "We will miss you too sweetheart. That's why we got you a present, for all of you." He ushered the servant into the room. He carried a big box.

Sam: "What is that?"

Mom: "Go ahead. Open it!" I removed the top of the box and saw the smallest little dog ever wagging its tail.

Sam: "OMG a puppy!" We got so excited and started playing with him.

Dad: "What should we name it?" Me and my sisters had all thought of a name before. At the same time, we all said Singha.

That was the last present I ever got from my parents and the last time I ever saw them alive.

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