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Sam's POV

"Sam, you have to calm down and think things through, please. You just got out of the hospital a few hours ago against their recommendations might I add." I was pacing pack and forth as I heard Jim telling me things I already knew but didn't care about right now. "Agh! She was touching her! She was kissing and touching my Mon!" I punched the wall out of fury. "Holy mother of god!" Ok, that was stupid, so, so stupid. Shit! "Sam!" Kate came over to me and checked my fist. "What the hell were you thinking? You could've broken your knuckles or something. You're not She-Hulk, Sam." I winced at her touch. "I wasn't fucking thinking Kate! I'm just so infuriated right now! I was this fucking close to being happy, but of course life has other plans for me!" 

Kate dragged me to the couch to sit down. "I'll get the ice." Tee headed to the kitchen. I looked at Charlotte who was on the verge of tears. "Can I use your bathroom? I think Song could use a bath." I nodded and watched her go upstairs. "What the hell is taking so long? These idiots should have found out by now where they are." I grabbed my phone with my hurt hand and dropped it. "Damn it! Tee, where's the damn ice?!" She ran back into the room and roughly put the ice on top of my hand. I winced and hit my leg a few times because of the pain. "Sorry! I was texting Yuki to come over. She's been taking care of her uncle for a while and got worried when she didn't hear back from Mon." 

"Great...Another useless person in this house that is not giving me any fucking answers." I grabbed my phone and called the head of security. "What the fuck is taking so long huh?! You think this is a joke or what??" He kept his composure, but I heard him gulp on the call. "We're on the way to your house now, ma'am. ETA 6 minutes." I scowled. "Well hurry the fuck up before I fire all of you!" I hung up the call and moved the ice bag from my hand. The knuckles were bleeding a bit, but I didn't care. I had enough pain in my heart to last me a lifetime. What's a little blood gonna do?" 

"Sam?" I looked at Jim. Behind her was my caring grandmother. "What is she doing here?" Grandmother sat right beside me. "Could we have a moment of privacy, please?" I nodded towards the stairs. "Go check up on Charlotte and Song. I'll be fine." They nodded and headed upstairs. "Why did you leave the hospital, Sam? Why didn't you tell me that you've been sick? I've been so worried about you." She touched my shoulder, I flinched and moved away from the couch. "I'm going to ask you this once. If I hear a single lie coming out of your mouth, you can think of me like you did with P'Fa all of these years like I'm dead." She tried getting off the couch and I raised my hand to stop her. "Stay right there and answer me this. Do you or do you not having anything to do with Mon and P'Fa's kidnapping? Yes or no? That's all I need."

"How could you think...." I shushed her. "It's a yes or no question. I don't need your excuses." She sighed. "No, I don't have anything to do with that." I still didn't trust anything she said. "Ok, let's suppose that I believe in your word. Why did you help Nita and what did you help her with?" I grabbed the ice bag and placed it back on my knuckles wincing. "Before she filed for bankruptcy, her parents asked for my help in getting her company back. I said I would do it because Nita's parents are important people. They might not be of the royal family, but they have certainly gained their trust and affection. So I agreed on helping Nita out. That's all." That sounded like her. 

"I remember you know." She looked confused. "I remember what you said at the hospital that you wouldn't pay a single cent to get the woman that I love back. She's everything to me, she's my happiness. Even Kirk and his family understood that when I called off the wedding. But I guess for you I'm only a disgrace just like P'Fa. Well you know what? I don't care. As soon as I get Mon back you can consider me as good as dead to you. I love you Grandmother, but if I have to choose between you and Mon she will always be my first choice." She didn't say anything for a few minutes. 

"You want to know why I was out of the country? I'm dying, Sam. I've been making my final arrangements for when I pass. I've spent my whole life trying to keep my image and our families image, but I've gotten to the point where I don't care anymore. I want to be a part of your life and Engfa's life. I've made so many mistakes that I will pay in whatever way you want me to, but I want you to know that I'm slowly learning to accept this. I've been going to a psychologist to better understand you two. I just want to be able to love you and my grandkids if I can." The tears had started flowing since she said she wanted to be a part of our lives. "Do you really mean that??" She nodded. "I swear to you that's all I want. If you want to be with Mon, I won't stop you. Just let me be in your lives please. I will do everything I can to help get them back. I have private investigators everywhere, but they haven't found much. I..." 

I hugged her tightly and sobbed into her arms. "Thank you, grandmother." She caressed my back. "I love you, Sam. There's nothing I won't do for my family." I smiled at her and she wiped my tears away. We were interrupted by a knock. The head guard was in the room waiting for permission to speak. "Girls! Come down here." They walked downstairs quickly. "Tell me where they are." Grandmother held my hand. "They are in Ms. Nita's vacation home in Chiang Mai." I found you, baby. "Do you have Mr. Toey's phone?" He nodded and gave it to me. I texted Nita that I was on the way. "Sam, what are you going to do?" Charlotte was holding Song who was still a little damp from his bath. "I'm getting them back." 

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