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3rd person's POV

The ride in the ambulance felt eternal for Sam and Charlotte. Mon was stable, but she still hadn't woken up which was a clear sign that something was wrong. P'Fa was sedated, but she needed to be taken into surgery immediately to extract the bullet from her body and hopefully it didn't hit any internal organs.

While Sam was praying as she held Mon's cold hands, Charlotte was kissing P'Fa's forehead and thanking her for surviving. P'Fa knew her wife was scared so she grabbed her hands and told her something she had been thinking ever since they found her and Mon. "Why don't we have a second honeymoon?" Charlotte chuckled. "You missed me that much?" P'Fa laughed, but her abdomen hurt so she stopped. "Yes and I think after everything that we have been through we deserve it. We can go anywhere that you want and we can take Song with us on his first family vacation. What do you say?" Charlotte removed the oxygen mask P'Fa had on and gave her a gentle kiss. "Yes. Anywhere you want as long as I'm with you." P'Fa smiled wide. "Now rest up. I think we're almost at the hospital." She nodded and closed her eyes.

Meanwhile Sam was checking with the first responders what Mon's condition is. "But why isn't she waking up if her vitals and everything seem fine?" The paramedic checked Mon's pulse, blood pressure and oxygen levels a second time. "The sergeant mentioned that they used chloroform to drug her. A small amount wouldn't have this effect. She would be awake just like your sister is. Sometimes people have an allergy reaction to chloroform and this might be the case. They might have used too much on her and she hasn't been able to wake up since." Sam didn't like what she was hearing at all. How would they wake Mon up then? "We're 10 minutes away from the hospital. You should really let me treat your wound before it gets infected." Sam shook her head. "She's your priority right now and my sister. I'll go to the emergency room when we get there."

Sam unlocked her phone, entered the group chat and sent them a text saying they were on their way to the hospital. Nam called her immediately. "Did you find them both? Did they get Nita??" Sam sighed. Not even knowing that Nita was on her way to jail could make her happy. "Yeah, we got them both and Nita is going to jail." Sam looked at Mon who seemed to just be in a deep sleep and her eyes filled with tears. "Then why don't you sound happy? What's wrong??" Sam who had been holding back her feelings as best as she could broke down crying. "Sam? What's wrong?? Did something happen to Mon and P'Fa??" Sam sniffed and wiped her tears even though they kept flowing. "P'Fa is okay for now, but Mon..." Sam breathed in deeply. "Mon hasn't woken up yet. They think it might be a reaction to the chloroform they used to drug her, I don't know."

"What hospital are you going to? We'll meet you there." Sam checked with the paramedic. "MedPark Hospital." She caressed Mon's hand. "We'll see you there in a few minutes." Sam nodded and hung up the call. "What if she doesn't wake up? What if the last time that we spoke was the last time that I will ever hear her voice? What will I do then, Mon? You said you would be here for me and that you would never leave so I need you to wake up okay? I have so many things planned for us you know? We have get married. I want to see you walking down the aisle in a white gown. I want to have our first dance, I even have a small playlist of possible songs. There's actually one that I think would be perfect for us. You want to hear it?" Sam knew Mon wouldn't respond, but right now this was helping her cope.

Sam was singing along as she cried and held Mon's hands tightly. Sam chuckled as she wiped her tears. "Something like that, but obviously with your beautiful voice. I miss hearing you, Mon. I feel like a piece of me is missing when you're not there so I need you to be okay for me, for you, for both of us." The ambulance parked and the back door was opened by the driver. "Female, 22 years old. Vitals are stable. May have had a reaction to chloroform." The paramedic gave the briefing to the nurses and got Mon out of the ambulance. Sam couldn't take her eyes off Mon. "Ok, we'll take her from here. Take her to trauma 1 and page neurology." Sam pushed through the nurses trying to reach Mon. "Mon!" One of the nurses stopped her. "Let us check her first and we'll get you once you can see her ok?" Sam didn't like that. She wanted to be with Mon, she didn't want her out of her sight. Sam was about to follow Mon into the hospital when the nurse grabbed her arm. She winced in pain.

The nurse saw the blood stains on her shirt and checked her arm. "You need to get this treated, ma'am." Sam shook her head. "No, I need to be with her." The nurse stood in front of Sam. "Right now we can't let you be with her so please come with me so we can get this wound treated." Charlotte ran towards Sam and engulfed her in a hug. "How's Mon doing?" Sam shook her head. "And P'Fa?" Charlotte sighed. "She was taken into surgery so they can remove the bullet. She just went in so this might take a while." Charlotte's eyes went wide when she saw Sam was bleeding. "Sam, when did this happen??" She shrugged. "It's just a graze, I'm fine." The nurse spoke to Charlotte. "Can you convince her to get this treated before it gets infected? I need to get back to work." Charlotte nodded.

Sam couldn't stop thinking about Mon. Her mind was filled with flooding thoughts of life without Mon, a life full of misery and pain. A stabbing pain in her head and the world was suddenly spinning. "Nurse!" Sam fell to the floor unconscious. Charlotte caught her before she hit her head on the pavement. "Get me a stretcher now!" The nurse checked Sam's pulse as they placed her on a stretcher. "Let's do some blood tests and an EKG." They rolled Sam into the hospital. Nam, Tee and Kate reached Charlotte and hugged her tightly. She grabbed Song from Tee's arms. "Where's Sam?" Lady Grandmother asked Charlotte. "She was taken inside as well. She fainted a moment ago."

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