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3rd person's POV

Mon told all of them what happened in her dream like state. "So you saw mom, dad and Song?" P'Fa's eyes watered. Mon nodded. "Yes, they are all so proud of you especially Song. She told me she will keep an eye on you two, your mom and dad looked great and happy together." Char wiped away the tears that had come out of P'Fa's eyes. "I'm glad that they are all okay. I talk to Song almost every night so I'm glad she  and our parents hear me." Sam was looking at her and Mon's interlocked fingers. Mon placed a reassuring hand on top. "Sam?" She looked up at Mon. "Your dad said he's proud of who you have become. Your mom said that you made the right choice in giving me her wedding ring." Sam laughed as she cried. "Song seemed so at peace knowing both of you are being taken care of. They know you miss them, but you won't see them for a long, long time and I'm glad because I want to be with you for the rest of our lives." Sam closed her eyes and kissed the back of Mon's hands gently.

"So when's the wedding?" Jim squealed excitedly. "I don't have a specific date yet. I want Mon to have a completely clean bill of health before we start making our wedding plans, but how about a month or two?" Mon and Sam shared a look. "You in a hurry, Ms. Samanun?" Sam got closer to Mon's face and kissed her cheek quickly causing her to giggle. "I would marry you tomorrow if I could, but I want you to be okay first." Mon nodded. "We were waiting to throw our baby shower until you woke up, Mon. We can do a double celebration now, our baby girl and you coming back to us." Char said as she rocked Song's stroller while he slept. "That sounds like the perfect idea. Between Jim, Kate, Tee and my girls they can plan the best baby shower slash welcome home for Mon and me." Kate clapped her hands gently so she wouldn't startle Song. "I have so many ideas already. When can we get started??" Tee checked her watch. "I think we should let sleeping beauty get some rest. We can start planning the details of the party and when Mon gets her clean bill of health we can set the date and the place." They all agreed and grabbed their things each hugging Mon goodbye. "Sam, aren't you coming?" Sam was curling herself up close to Mon while the girls waited at the door. "She can sleep in my arms, don't worry. I'll see you all later." They giggled and left. Sam and Mon shared a soft kiss once the door closed. "Are you sure you want to stay here, my love? Your bed is much more comfortable." Sam shook her head. "I can't sleep another night without you so enjoy your new pillow." Sam wrapped her arms around Mon who laid her head down on Sam's chest. "I missed you so much, Mon. Please don't ever do this to me again." Mon traced circles on Sam's chest. "I'm home, my love. I'm never leaving again."

In the morning various knocks on the door woke up Sam and Mon. Amanda came in with doctor Lee. "Good morning, Ms. Kornkamon. It's good to see you awake after all this time." Amanda helped Sam untangle herself from Mon so the doctor could do the checkup. "How long has it been? I didn't ask the girls yesterday." Sam fixed her shirt as she answered. "Five months, two weeks and four days to be exact." Mon seemed shocked, she didn't think it had been so long. Although the growth of little Song might have given it away. He was much taller now. "That's right Ms. Kornkamon. I'm gonna do a medical assessment and order some labs and CT scans just to make sure everything is okay, but from what I see right now you are in great health. After we get the results of the tests, I still want you to come once a month to get a check up just in case. Inhaling too much chloroform usually comes with delayed effects like liver and kidney damage so I want to make sure you're okay before officially giving the all clear. If you experience any symptoms at all, come to see me immediately." Sam spoke up before Mon had a chance to talk. "I'll make sure of it doc. I'll keep an eye on her." The doctor nodded. "Ok, I'll send the nurse here in a few minutes to take your blood and get you to CT."

Doctor Lee left the room and Amanda took the opportunity to officially present herself. "Hey Mon. I'm doctor Amanda Jensen." Mon looked at her confused. "Yeah, I share my last name with Nita, but there's no relationship between us I swear." Amanda smiled and Sam sat down on the bed beside Mon. "Don't worry, I double checked and the only thing they have in common is their last name, love." Mon nodded. "You were here when I woke up weren't you?" Amanda smiled. "Yes. Ever since I became Sam's doctor and friend we've been coming here to take care of you and sometimes I would come on my own because you remind me of a special someone that I lost years ago." Mon shook her hand. "Thank you for taking care of me and Sam. I know how stubborn she can be so I'm glad you were able to help her out during these months." Amanda pulled up a chair and sat down beside Mon's bed. "It was my pleasure. Sam has become a really great friend and I'm just glad I can finally meet the person she's been talking to me about for months now." Mon kissed Sam's cheek. "You said you were her doctor right?" Amanda nodded. "Yeah, you don't have to worry. She had a tumor, but with radiation therapy she now has a clean bill of health. Please make sure she gets her check ups done every six months. We don't want any more health scares from either of you." They all laughed. "Don't worry I'll take her to get the check ups myself."

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