Live on TikTok

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Mon could convince me to kill someone if she really wanted me to. I don't know how she did it...actually I do know how she convinced me to do a Live on TikTok! She used her convincing powers on me, she pouted, said please, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Who wouldn't fall for that?!!

We got home, had dinner, and changed into more comfortable clothing. I heard Mon shouting happily and then she skipped towards me looking excited. I should have known nothing good would come from her happy demeanor.

Mon: "Khun Sam! I have a great idea for something that we could do to boost our followers and likes on Diversity Pop!."

Sam: "Mon, we have other things to do as well. We can work on Diversity Pop later."

Mon: "Oh, come on. Pleaseee." Her pout made saying no impossible.

Sam: "Ok, ok fine. Now put that away before I bite your lip again!" She immediately stopped pouting and blushed.

Mon: "Ok. We should do a live on TikTok! You can present yourself to the world of technology, we can promote the page, talk to people and receive their feedback."

Sam: "No, no, no, no, no. NO! You do it! I barely know how to use Facebook, Mon. How do you expect me to do a live on TikTok?! No!"

Yeah, I did the live... Mon was the DJ in the background. She basically did all of the technical stuff, I just talked to myself and read comments every now and then. Mon turned on the Live, we waited for a few minutes for people to join in then Mon whispered for me to talk.

Sam: "Umm...Hey, I'm Khun Sam. Some of you may know that I'm a Mhom Luang, but I'm not here today to talk about that. I want to talk about my company Diversity. Basically we work with different medias and try to send a positive message for anyone who is willing to listen. Um...a few weeks ago, my assistant Mon..." Mon appeared behind me and waved to everyone. "She took over the new webpage called Diversity Pop. There we will talk about different things like bullying, trending topics and anything that might interest you."

Mon: "Hey guys! Please leave any comments or feedback on what you would like to read about while I place some music for you ok? I will leave this gorgeous woman to be the face of the live, but I will be right here if you have any questions for me." I saw many hearts appear on the screen and the comments went by really fast.

I tried to read most of them as best as I could. I answered a couple of questions and even got some new topics that we could include in our webpage. This was another good idea. I looked at Mon for a second. I can't believe I'm lucky enough to have her in my life and in the company.

I read a few more comments, most were positive and good options of topics. A few of the comments mentioned that Mon and I had good chemistry or that we looked good together. Some even asked Mon to sit next to me so they could talk to us both. I checked with Mon, but she said this Live was for people to get to know me and the company. I wanted everyone to see how good we looked together, but she was right.

Mon was playing really good music in the background as DJ Pink like she called herself. A song called Hermionong filled my ears. I giggled and moved my face away from the screen. I had listened to the song before and the lyrics were more like a love confession and spell. Mon and I had listened to it in the car a few days ago as well and she said she wanted to dedicate that song to me.

Sam: "Mon! Switch songs please." I was blushing in front of everyone.

Mon: "Why?" She smiled. No one else could see her but me. She walked around the phone camera and placed herself beside me. She pulled me away from the screen and we shared a kiss. I think people could hear the kiss in the Live so I kept blushing and laughing. This woman got me giggling like a little kid, this is so embarrassing for my image as a tough leader at the company. But I couldn't help it... she made me happy.

Mon moved back to her DJ station while we both laughed at what happened. I whispered to her.

Sam: "I think they heard it." I saw some of the comments say that they heard a kiss. "If anyone from the office sees this live, I will kill you."

Mon: "I don't think so!" She threw me a kiss and mouthed the lyrics of the song to me. Is it too soon to say that I love her??

I composed myself as best as I could. It helped that the internet gave out a bit and the song got cut off. Mon changed the song and went into the kitchen to get a snack. She sat down on the couch behind me while she ate. I could see her bare legs on the screen and tried covering them with my face and hands.

Sam: "Mon! Grab a blanket or something, I don't want anyone else to see you like this." I turned my face towards her and pouted. She ignored me.

Mon: "Hey guys, we're going to go soon because we still have some work to do, but I appreciate all of the feedback and comments that you have left for us. We will continue to do Lives every once in a while and if you want more DJ Pink you can go to my channel to see me!"

Sam: "Yes, thank you so much for everything and we will see you on the next Live." We both waved goodbye and Mon ended the Live.

Mon: "So what did you think of your first Live?"

Sam: "I think I will enjoy doing things like this more often with you. I did enjoy getting the feedback and being able to speak to the people I'm trying to reach with Diversity Pop so this was a great idea Mon. Thank you!"

Mon: "I'm glad I could help! I'm going to shower and change into my pajamas so we can finish working ok?"

Sam: "Ok, I'll wait for you here. I bought some pajamas for you. They are on the bedside table so please use them."

Mon: "Ok, I'll be back soon." She kissed my cheek and headed upstairs.

If this is what being in a real relationship feels like, I don't ever want it to end. 

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