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Someone's POV

Have you ever felt like everything has been taken away from you and you've had no say in it? Well, I have. My life was perfectly fine and happy a few months ago. You've taken everything from me Sam and now you're going to pay. I had a house, a car, a girlfriend and I was honestly ready to settle down until that dreadful day that started the domino effect that took over my life. I lost my job and my girlfriend on the same day. 

"I told you! I told you hundreds of times that we shouldn't have done that at work. Yeah, we got away with it the first few times, but we kept tempting fate and look what happened. How am I going to pay dad's medical bills huh??" I looked down apologetically. "It's not just my fault. You were there too. Yeah, you told me we should stop, but who's idea was it to go into the storage room that day huh? You can't just blame me for everything!" She groaned frustrated. "Ugh! When are you going to take responsibilities for your actions?? We had a steady job, I was almost done paying off my dad's medical bills. Now, I can't even pay my rent." She rubbed her temple as she closed her eyes. "I'm going to have to move back in with my mom." Something clicked in my head. "But your mom lives in Sukhothai..." She looked at me defeated. "Are you dumping me??" 

"It's always fun and games with you. I can't be in a relationship with someone so irresponsible. My mom was right about you from the start." She just walked away from me. I resented you before, but now the feeling of hate was growing inside me. My job, my girlfriend and then my house. Starting over is hard, but it's impossible when you got fired from your last job, a job that anyone dreams of getting. I applied to hundreds of places, but as soon as they saw where I last worked and that I got fired, they simply said have a good day and good luck. I was behind on rent already. I got various calls and notices from the building manager asking for the money. 

I applied for a loan at the bank, they denied it because I already had a student loan that I hadn't paid off either. I asked my mother for money, but she said I was an adult now and I had to do things for myself. A week later, I was sleeping in my car with all of my things. I guess this is what rock bottom feels and looks like to people, I just didn't expect to feel so lonely as well. In exchange for clothes and a few nice things, I made deals with the owners of different parking lots so I could sleep in my car there. I didn't feel safe, but I had no other choice. 

One evening, I was woken by a knock on the car window. I was startled by the noise thinking it was a cop coming to tow away my car. I looked out the window and saw a beautiful woman that looked like she didn't belong there at all. I recognize her. Nita Jensen?? I rolled down the window. "Um hello, am I in your spot or something?" She laughed. "Oh my goodness, you really think I would come to a place like this to park my beautiful red Porsche? No, sweetie. I am here to help you." Huh?? "What do you mean? Why would you help me?" She smiled, but I could tell it wasn't a happy one. "Because like you I have lost everything because of one woman. Leave your car here. We can come back for it later. Let's go get you something to eat and drink and I'll explain everything." 

I got into her car and we headed to a small diner nearby. She ordered a burger with fries, a soda and a bottle of water. She drank the water bottle while I ate everything else. I hadn't eaten a full meal in months. I was basically going to food shelters and eating the scraps that were leftover sometimes. "You know who I am right?" I nodded as I took a bite from my burger. "Well recently I lost my company because I was trying to get ahead of Sam. I made a few deals with people that I shouldn't have, they stole all my money and I had to file for bankruptcy. Thank goodness that I have my parents who always try to help me out, but I know you have no one in your life right now." I moved my head sideways. 

"I've been watching you for a while now. I know you've lost everything and have been living in your car for months and I want to offer you the opportunity to get what you want." I scoffed. "Yeah, and what is it that I want according to you Ms. Jensen?" She smirked. "Revenge." I looked into her eyes. "We are both victims of Sam. Because of her we have lost everything dear to us. I know you want your revenge and you haven't had the chance to get it." Did she know about... "Yes, I know that you've been watching Sam and Mon for months." I swallowed hard. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But that makes you the perfect person to help me with my plans for Sam." 

"And what's in it for me?" She leaned back on her chair. "I can offer you money if that's what you care about." I shook my head. "I just want to pay off my debts and at least have somewhere to live. I don't care about the money. I want Sam to suffer just like I did. I want her to lose everything. Her company, her girlfriend, her family. I want her to feel my pain." She smiled deviously. "Then I guess we have a deal then?" She extended her hand to me. I hesitated at first, but I know I'll never get a chance like this again. "Deal." 

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