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While we waited for the taxi, I took a small nap on the couch. Mon kept caressing my hair and every once in a while, I could hear her muttering under her breath.

Mon: "I can't believe this..." I know right. "How can you be so beautiful?" Have you looked at yourself in a mirror Mon? The notification on the cellphone startled me. I opened my eyes wide and then remembered where I was regaining my composure. "I'm so sorry. The taxi is outside waiting."

We headed downstairs after making sure everything was locked. Mon helped me get into the taxi first and then she got in herself. Before I fell asleep, I let the taxi driver know my address. I laid my head back against the seat. My house was 15 minutes away.

I don't know when it happened but when I woke up next my head was on Mon's shoulder while she patted my head gently.

Mon: "Lady Boss, we have arrived." She got out of the taxi swiftly and helped me out. "Be careful, please." We walked slowly towards the entrance and reached the small gate that was for visitor's access. I held onto the wall. I must seem so weak to her right now. I stood up straight as best as I could, and Mon stopped holding on to me.

Sam: "You can leave." I could feel her looking between me and my house. Yes, I am rich. Shouldn't be surprising anymore.

Mon: "Is this your place?" If it were anyone else, I would have reacted much worse.

Sam: "Does it look like a temple to you?" Well, that was a stupid question.

Mon: "That's not what I meant. I thought you lived at the palace." Ok Mon you might know a little too much about me. I'm so tired, can't even think straight.

Sam: "Leave." Mon nodded. "And let me know when you arrive home. Don't do like last time."

Mon: "Yes, ma'am." The formality again.

Sam: "And stop being so formal."

Mon: "Understood." Did you? I opened the gate and walked inside. As soon as I locked the door, I checked if Mon was still outside. She was gone already. I laid down in the living room with my cellphone on top of my chest waiting for Mon's text. An hour later I received it with the message 'Lady Sam, I've arrived home.'

I missed her voice already, so I sent her back a text saying 'Why did you text? Why didn't you call me? My head hurts. My eyes hurt. I don't want to read'. I had the perfect excuse. Why not use it? A few seconds later the phone was ringing.

Mon: "Lady Sam, I've arrived home."

Sam: "Why did you call? I have a headache." I loved teasing her so much.

Mon: "Um... I'll hang up then."

Sam: "Wait...why must you hurry and hang up?! Did it not cross your mind that you should ask about my condition?" I just wanted to stay on the phone longer.

Mon: "Are you feeling better?" She's just asking because I told her. I was getting angry.

Sam: "You had to wait for me to tell you that huh. If it doesn't come from your heart, I don't need it. Also, I'm suffering from a headache, not memory loss. I still remember telling you not to act like we are close." Why wasn't she saying anything back? Did she hang up? I checked the phone, and the call was still there. "Why are you so quiet? I don't like silence. Talk."

Mon: "I don't understand what you want from me exactly, Lady Boss." Oh no, she's crying. "Whatever I ask is wrong. Whatever I say is wrong. I text you, I'm wrong. I call you, I'm wrong." You still don't understand me. "My work hasn't been approved. Please tell me what I should do, Lady Boss." There it is. She doesn't care about me, she only helped me because she wants her design to be approved.

Sam: "Ah, I see. Was that the reason why you took care of me? To get your work approved?"

Mon: "I really am worried about you. Is this how you treat a person who worries about you?" She sounded upset and maybe a little disappointed.

Sam: "Sweet dreams." I hung up. I couldn't handle it. I messed up, big time. What can I do? I was too harsh. She did care. All I did was confuse her. Why am I so complicated? I went to bed and barely slept because I was thinking about Mon.

When I woke up early in the morning, I called Kirk.

Kirk: "Good morning, Sam. How are you?"

Sam: "Fine. I need you to buy sweets and candies for the office workers. I want them to know their work is appreciated."

Kirk: "Who are you and what have you done with Sam? Did you kidnap her, point a gun to her head and make her say this?"

Sam: "Kirk, stop messing around and do as I say." I hung up the call.

I arrive at work and head immediately into my office before anyone sees me. Everyone arrives around 9am. I try to work, but I can't concentrate. Like a common gossiper, I press my ear to the door and listen to the outside conversations. I hear Kirk arrive with the sweets. I fix myself before leaving the office.

Sam: "The snacks have been delivered right?" Everyone stops talking. I walk towards the bags. "Consider this a reward for the hard work you've done." I grab a bag and try to give it to Mon. I hope that she can see in my eyes how sorry I am.

Mon: "I'm full. Please save it for yourself, Lady Sam." She's not going to make this easy, is she? Noi walks towards her looking scared.

Noi: "Mon, why did you refuse her offer like that?"

Sam: "Fine. I'll take it back to my office." What should I do now?

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