The Invite

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I sat down and ate the snacks that Mon rejected. What should I do? I've never apologized to anyone before. I don't know if what I just did was wrong. I need help, but who can I talk to about this without raising suspicions? If I talk to my friends, they will certainly blow this situation out of proportion.

Kirk walks into the office and I ignore him. He slides the drink towards me.

Kirk: "Boba tea to cure your embarrassment." My cheeks are filled with the boba, and he pokes my cheek. So rude.

Sam: "So improper."

Kirk: "I wanted to see how embarrassed you are." He laughs in my face, and I push him away. "Mon is quite special. She dares to refuse Lady Sam. Honorable Lady Samanun Anuntrakul. Isn't she afraid of death?" He laughs again and I stuff a bagel in his mouth.

Sam: "Keep your mouth full, so you don't talk. Enjoy the bagel." He moves away giving me space.

Kirk: "Jokes aside...what did you do to make her that upset?" Was it that obvious? "Why did you ask me to buy all the snacks? To make up with her?" I almost told him of our phone call, but I couldn't let him know that.

Sam: "My feedback on her work was too harsh." That sounds better.

Kirk: "You seem interested in Mon more than the others, Sam."

Sam: "I already said it's because my feedback on her work was harsh." Can we please stop talking about this? "Mon is good at this. She keeps proposing new ideas."

Kirk: "You're right." I know I am, that's why this situation bothers me so much. I should have told her from the start and avoided all of this. "But the problem is I think she's still mad at you."

Sam: "Then what should I do?"

Kirk: "Invite her for dinner." WHAT? On a date? Is this man crazy? I looked at him like he was crazy. "What? That way you can properly apologize without being exposed to the rest as a softie."

Sam: "That makes sense." I smacked his arm and he laughed. "Call me a softie again and it will be worse."

Kirk: "We can all go together. I want to get to know the woman that has piqued your curiosity." I didn't like the idea of Kirk going with us, but I needed the moral support. Hopefully she says yes.

We worked the rest of the day until 5:30pm. Everyone has left the office including Mon, so Kirk and I try to catch up to her. We found her walking in front of a store near the office. She seemed a little less upset. That was good. But her eyes didn't shine bright like they always did.

Kirk: "Mon." She stopped and looked back at us.

Mon: "Lady Sam. Mr. Kirk." So formal, I hate it.

Kirk: "Are you leaving already?" Our eyes met and I looked away quickly.

Mon: "Yes, I am." Kirk looks at me. He mouths 'Sam, invite her.' Why can't he do it? It was his idea anyways.

Sam: "Hungry."

Mon: "Hm?" What the hell is wrong with me? I can't even say a full sentence.

Sam: "I'm hungry. It's time to eat." How is that an invitation Sam? I could feel Kirk's death stare and his eyes rolling back into his head in annoyance. I know. I suck at this.

Mon: "I see. I'll leave then." She turned her back to us.

Kirk: "Mon! Wait a minute." He stands in front of her and looks back at me. 'Ask her already.' The words aren't coming out, I can't. 'Make up with her.' I step forward.

Sam: "Aren't you going to have dinner?" Kirk bites his knuckle in frustration. Mon looks around confused.

Mon: "Are you talking to me?" This is excruciating.

Sam: "There's nobody else around here is there?" Help me, Kirk! I'm making it worse.

Kirk: "Argh, okay. Mon, Sam would like you to join us for dinner. Just consider it a celebration for your work being approved." Mon looked at Kirk confused. "Are you not happy that your work is finally approved?"

Mon: "It is?" She smiled for the first time all day. She looked at me and I put on my sunglasses.

Sam: "I'll wait by the car." I had to walk away fast. Just seeing her smile made me blush. Once I was out of sight of anyone, I smiled and giggled like a little kid. I checked my surroundings and cleared my throat composing myself. Back to business as usual.

While I wait on Mon and Kirk, I test the sunroof on Ms. Duanpen. After the detail job, I forgot to make sure that it still worked. It made a squeaking noise before. I couldn't have that in my beautiful car.

Kirk: "Are you actually going to drive like this? It's hot outside."

Sam: "No I'm just testing the roof function."

Kirk: "Anyways, what would you like to eat today, Mon? How about French cuisine? I know a very good place."

Mon: "You're too kind. There's no need to go to a nice place. A place with some simple dishes is fine."

Sam: "French is simple. Just put it in your mouth and chew."

Mon: "I mean there's no need to have an expensive meal. Just an average one is fine."

Kirk: "If that's what you want, we will let you choose the place."

Mon: "Then should we go to the cooked-to-order place?"

Sam: "Boring." I actually like the idea.

Mon: "Umm...Pad Thai, mussel pancakes."

Sam: "Fatty." Too much fat actually.

Mon: "Hainanese chicken rice."

Sam: "You'll have gout." (Gout is a common form of inflammatory arthritis that is very painful. It usually affects one joint at a time often the big toe joint.)

Kirk: "Sam, let Mon choose."

Sam: "Then choose already."

Mon: "How about my regular place near Pratu Phi?"

Kirk: "Ok, let's go. Are you going to drive?" I hand him the keys. I walk over to the passenger side and open the door. I move the seat forward so Mon could get into the car. Such a gentlewoman. 

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