Take me back

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Life with a kid is not easy. I understand what everyone means when they say you won't sleep until their 18, possibly older. Song is growing up so fast, but his tantrums are growing as well. Engfa works most of the day coaching new pageant participants and I stay home with Song. I tried working for a couple of months, but Song started crawling and doing little cute things that I didn't want to miss so I spoke to P'Fa, and she said she can take care of us both.

While Song was on his midday nap, I got a message from one of my friends, Nude. I haven't spoken to her much since we left Thailand. Her message was a bit cryptic, it just said Call me. I got a little bit scared because I thought something might have happened to her, so I dialed her number quickly.

Char: "Nude, are you okay?!"

Nude: "Hii, yes honey! I'm fine, I just missed you so much. The new pageant kids are so cute, but I miss our friends. I was wondering if we could meet up soon."

Char: "Well, it's a bit difficult now with Song in the picture, but we can try of course!"

Nude: "Who's Song? Are you not dating P'Fa anymore?!"

Char: "Song is my kid, Nude. P'Fa and I are married." I said this proudly.

Nude: "Did my wedding invitation get lost in the mail or something?" She sounded mad.

Char: "I'm sorry, it was a really small ceremony with my family. P'Fa couldn't even invite Sam."

Nude: "How is she? I heard Sam is now running the family business because their grandmother disowned P'Fa."

Char: "That's basically it. She's doing okay. I hear her cry sometimes at night because she misses both of them and I think their grandmother too, but she won't admit it. I try not to push."

Nude: "That's okay, I get it." She suddenly gasped and it scared me. "OMG, I have to show you a video that one of the pageant kids made of you two! It looks so cute!"

Char: "Send it to me!"



"Oh wow! I was so in love with her already, but I didn't want to admit it back then. P'Fa waited so long for me." The video made me tear up a bit.

Nude: "It was worth it in the end."

Char: "Yeah. This video made me miss pageant life. Don't get me wrong, I love spending all my time with my son, but I think I'm starting to miss work."

Nude: "Have you talked to P'Fa about it? Last I heard, she was helped the pageant participants in the US."

Char: "She is, I just don't want to leave Song alone or with a babysitter. He's still too young for that."

Nude: "Take him with you!"

Char: "I don't know, pageants can get loud and messy as you know."

Nude: "You really think your wife will let anything happen to your kid?" True.

Char: "Ok, I'll talk to P'Fa when she gets home." Song started to fuzz, nap was over. "We'll keep talking later Nude. Song is waking up from his nap."

Nude: "Ok, love you! Think about what I said before."

Char: "I will, love you too!" I placed my phone on the counter. I could hear the front door opening and my wife's perfume attacked me first before she engulfed me in a hug. God, I missed her so much when she wasn't home.

Engfa: "Hey baby!" She gave me a quick kiss before heading over to Song. "Where's my big boy?" She got him out of the crib, went to sit on the couch and placed him on her lap.

Char: "What do I have to do to get that kind of attention huh?" She quickly got up and shared another kiss which was stopped by a small hand and a fuzz. Song didn't like sharing her mom when she was home. When we are both alone, he only pays attention to me or his cartoons, but when P'Fa arrives, that's his whole world. "He really doesn't like sharing you with me."

Engfa: "I get the feeling." She blows a kiss in my direction before sitting back down on the couch.

Char: "Hey babe, there's something I want to talk to you about."

Engfa: "Yes baby." She was bouncing Song up and down before she looked my way and saw that it was something serious. "Everything okay?"

Char: "Yeah, it's just that I spoke to Nude today and she made me realize something."

Engfa: "Wow, we haven't spoke to her in so long. What is it?"

Char: "I want to compete again." P'Fa didn't say anything for a few seconds before she smiled from ear to ear. She placed Song back in his crib, he pouted so badly but I didn't notice much because P'Fa lifted me of the ground and was spinning me around.

Engfa: "Really baby?! Are you sure?! I can arrange this quickly if you really want to. I can even join you if you need me to. Wait! What about Song? He can't stay by himself. He could stay with your grandparents, but they are really old I wouldn't trust them completely." I kissed P'Fa who was spiraling out of control.

Char: "Calm down babe! We can think about the details later. Right now, I just want to know if you're really sure that we can do this if I start participating in pageants again."

Engfa: "Of course baby! I can be your manager and Song can be your greatest supporter after me." I smiled at the thought of leaving a stage with my two babies waiting for me.

Char: "Ok. Let's do this!" P'Fa jumped up happily. She grabbed Song and started dancing with him. He was happy to have her attention again. God, what would I do without you two?

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