Pageant Life

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As soon as Char told me she wanted to participate in pageants again I started making some calls. The competition hadn't officially started yet so she still had a chance to join. After speaking with a few of the sponsors, Char officially was going to be a pageant participant again. As her manager and wife, I made sure everything was perfect and comfortable. I booked a room at the hotel where the other participants were staying. I found a baby sitter for when she and I were busy with the interviews and events.

I didn't miss being a participant, but I felt like I was much better coach. There's a lot of kids with potential in the beauty world, but Char had the experience. I was not being biased, maybe a little bit, but I know she can win the pageant this year.

When Char and Song got installed into the hotel, I went out and bought her something she's always wanted. I had been visiting a kennel for the past few weeks hoping that no one would adopt this beautiful small pup that was found near the place. I officially adopted him and bought a tiny box for him to fit in. I got back to the hotel and Char was playing with Song.

Char: "Look who's here Song. Daddy's home." Everyone called me that in the pageant world, but hearing Char say it had a different effect.

Engfa: "Hey kid, I got the present for your mom that I told you about." Char looked between us.

Char: "What present?" I placed the box on the bed and grabbed Song.

Engfa: "Look!" Char opened the tiny box and screamed in delight.

Char: "Baby! You didn't! OMG!" She hugged us tightly and kissed the small pup.

Engfa: "That's Kiew." Song was excited too and wanted to play with him. I placed him on the bed and Kiew started kissing him.

Char: "Baby, I love him!" She played with Song and Kiew. I know it might be a hassle at first, but I loved being able to give her the present she's always wanted.

The first few days our schedules were chaotic. Between Kiew, Song, trainings, and interviews, we barely had time to do everything we wanted. Kiew was slowly learning how to behave, Song was getting used to being cared for by every single pageant queen and he seemed to be enjoying it a lot. Char seemed really happy doing the trainings, interviews, she did a few commercials here and there and basically slept at the gym whenever she got the chance.

I had gotten into the habit of making TikTok videos to keep the spectators happy with Char's progress, but eventually they also got interested in our personal lives. Song wasn't really interested in being on camera, but Kiew certainly liked the attention. Every couple of days I would upload a TikTok, post on Twitter or Instagram to keep the fans happy and they certainly were.

Our ship, as they called it, was stronger than ever. I had my wife, our kid, and our puppy. We seemed perfect to the public, but that's just what social media presents. Char and I were struggling a bit with everything that we had to do. We didn't fight before, but now our discussions were becoming more often and louder.

Char had become a bit distant with me. She still played with Kiew and Song, but most of the time she tried to avoid me unless it was something related to work. She apparently got it into her head that every woman around me was flirting with me.

Since I had also participated in pageants before, I got asked to sing and dance at most of the events. When I am on stage, I sometimes forget myself and I may act as if I'm flirting with women, but I'm not. Char knows I love her, but stage P'Fa makes her forget that sometimes. For example, there was a concert a few days ago to gain more sponsors and I might have danced a little bit too sensually for Char's liking. She's been mad at me ever since.

To make it up to her I posted a video of myself singing Earned it which is a pretty sensual song, but it was meant to be something sweet for her. She took it the wrong way... she said I only did the video to flirt with all of the women at the same time knowing I'm hot. I just sighed and went to play with Kiew, I didn't want to start another fight.

We had another concert tonight. I just did my part and sang, I tried my best not to act flirty with anyone. I noticed that Char was drinking a little much. I told one of the staff to keep an eye on her. After the concert finished, the fans wanted an encore, so I got back up on stage and Char and other pageant participants joined. While I sang, Char decided to dance all over me, she was trying to establish territory. It worked. After that night, all the women that were trying to get close to me suddenly didn't speak to me unless it was about something work related or to congratulate me on my life.

Jealousy in our case is a two way street. I have had to swat away so many flies from my wife that I've lost count. I know she's extremely beautiful and hot, but we told everyone since the beginning that she was taken and not to ship her with anyone else. No other ships were made but a few flies tried to get close to the pudding which was not going to happen.

I don't suggest making your wife jealous, EVER! But I do know that after a fight and some distance, making up with your lover is the best thing for everyone.


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