Meeting with Kirk

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Our move back home was pretty smooth if I do say so myself. Having Char's family there to support us made everything easier. Song was loving his new bedroom as well as Kiew, his little play area was right beside Song's bed. I never actually dreamed of being a home owner, but after having an apartment and seeing what it was like my dream was to have a house where Song could grow old and enjoy all of life's experiences with his family right there beside him.

Char and her family were really happy to be back. Char quickly adapted to Zoom meetings, Lives and virtual interviews from all over the place. Song and Kiew were enjoying having both mommy and daddy home all of the time. I, on the other hand, was going crazy. Being a stay at home mom might have worked for Char but after doing it for a couple of weeks being home seemed more prisonlike than joyful.

I met with the rest of the ladies of the miss grand pageant. We got caught after a couple of days, but then it was back to the same routine: making sure Char made it into all of her meetings, cooking meals for all of us, cleaning, sleeping, then back at it again. I got lost in my thoughts and didn't realize the water was still running after I had finished washing the dishes.

Char: "P'Fa?"

P'Fa: "Hm?" The water was almost spilling over the sink. "Crap! Sorry."

Char: "Are you okay?"

P'Fa: "Yeah, I've just been thinking." She placed her arms around me.

Char: "About what?"

P'Fa: "I'm going to work again with my sister."

Char: "Wait. How?!"

P'Fa: "Ok I haven't told you this because it's been a chaotic couple of months, but I spoke with Kirk who is basically her right hand in the business. They are interested in the beauty world and want to make a column related to beauty, fashion and pageants."

Char: "That sounds amazing baby! Does your sister know you're back?"

P'Fa: "Well I didn't exactly explain to Kirk who I am. He knows me as your manager and that I helped with the other ladies from the pageant. He said I'm well known and would be an amazing asset to the company."

Char: "Ok so what about Sam?"

P'Fa: "She has too much on her mind, I'll mostly be working with Kirk. I won't see Sam unless a meeting of the board of directives is called."

Char: "P' have to tell her you're home. It's been long enough."

P'Fa: "I know and I will. I just need to wrap my head around what I'm going to be doing first before I actually go to meet her. I still don't even know what I will say to her."

Char: "Hm, ok. Guess I'm need for a new manager then."

P'Fa: "That's the beauty of this job, I only need to go to the office twice a week to do the reports with Kirk and the other agents. All my posts will be done through IG on a page called Diverse Beauty."

Char: "Well, I'm happy for you. I know you've been feeling a bit crazy stuck inside the house." She kissed my cheek. "Just don't wait too long to meet Sam ok?"

P'Fa: "Yes, ma'am. Can I get some kisses now?" I puckered my lips.

Char: "I'll think about it." She ran to our bedroom and I of course ran after her.

I had a meeting with Kirk today where I would report all of my ideas for the new page and how to make it successful.

Kirk: "Mrs. Waraha please sit down."

P'Fa: "Thank you! You can just call me P'Fa if that's okay with you."

Kirk: "P'Fa it is. Show me what you got."

P'Fa: "Ok I want to turn Diverse Beauty into basically an awareness page. I will be making posts on the latest fashion trends, the lives of the participants in beauty contests, the best brands of makeup and such, but I also want whoever sees the post to understand that beauty isn't just about having the perfect body, being skinny and wearing brand clothing. I want everyone to understand that they have to be okay with their bodies." I took a sip of water. "I have a son, he's only a couple of months old, but I want him to grow in a world where men, women and gender non-conforming people can be okay with their bodies or make the changes that they want without thinking that there is a certain spectrum or rules that they have to follow."

Kirk: "Do you have a specific audience that you want to reach?"

P'Fa: "No. My message is for anyone. Diverse Beauty should be about spreading self-love. You can idolize someone for how they look and there's nothing wrong with that, but it becomes a problem when you affect your own health to achieve a standard that is not even true. People who are bulimic and anorexic try to live up to certain body types because that's what everyone else says they should look like, I don't want that on this page. Whether it's a kid or an adult, everyone should be able to love themselves as they are as long as they are healthy."

Kirk: "We certainly hired the perfect person to handle this page. I expect great things from you P'Fa." He extended his hand to me and I shook it.

P'Fa: "Thank you. I won't let you down."

Kirk: "I know you won't. We will meet again next week to start uploading content to the page ok?"

P'Fa: "Sounds perfect."

Kirk: "I have to run, I have another meeting, but this was excellent. Thank you again for joining us and welcome to Diversity."

P'Fa: "It's good to be back." I whispered to myself as he left. "I'll make you proud Sam. This company is your legacy and I will make sure it succeeds in every aspect I'm involved in."

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