Break Down

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I couldn't move. I could hear the alarm ringing and Song crying from far away. I dropped my phone. I felt numb. My sister and Mon were taken from me. No, this was not happening. I have just found my happiness and it's almost complete. No... It's a prank, yeah, that's what it is. Mon and P'Fa are playing a prank on us and they are upstairs hiding.

I looked around and saw Jim, Tee and Kate talking to the police. Charlotte was crying in a corner holding Song close to her body. I felt a tightness in my chest. "Lady Sam?" I know the officer was talking to me, but I couldn't respond. I'm here... Where's Mon? Where's P'Fa? "Sam, are you okay?" I felt lightheaded and dizzy. "Sam!" Next thing I knew I was on the floor. I know I didn't faint because my eyes were open. I could see the officer as she shined a light over my eyes. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. I'M HERE! I SWEAR I'M HERE! I could hear my heart beating loudly in my chest. "Lady Sam! Are you still with us??" I stared right into their eyes, but it was like I couldn't see them.

"Call an ambulance now! I think she's in emotional shock." I could hear the ambulance siren and the paramedics around me. I was put on a stretcher which was a first. Where are we going? I should take a nap, I haven't slept in a while. "Lady Sam, please stay awake. I need you to keep your eyes open for me." Who are you? Why am I in an ambulance? Why is this happening to me? "Sam, I'm right here sweetie. Stay with us ok? You need to be strong for us, for Mon, for P'Fa. Mom?? But you're dead. Am I dead? If this is heaven, it sucks balls. I felt my eyes rolling to the back of my head and my body shaking violently. "She's having a seizure. Let's put her on her side." Let me go. I want to be with my mom and dad, Song and Singha. I miss them. The image of Song's crash filled my mind. Why didn't you take me with you, Song? We could all be happy together up there.

"We need a psych consult as soon as possible. She was seizing just a few minutes ago and she hasn't spoken a word in an hour. She's barely responsive." Psych consult for who? Who's crazy? Why am I laying down? I'm responsive. See, I'm talking. Wait. Who am I talking to? "Please Sam. We need you okay. Mon needs you!" The nurses pushed Jim out of the room. "When did she get here? Who's Mon?" My head was flooded with images of this beautiful, intelligent, young woman with a smile that could light up the world. Is she my guardian angel? You're so beautiful. She laughed. Have you forgotten me so easily, my Lady Sam? I thought you loved me. I smiled. I feel like I love you, but I don't remember you. The image was fading away. No! Don't go... Take me with you, please.

"She's seizing again. Where the hell is the psych consult?" I felt my body being moved and laid on my side. I don't like this. I feel like a table, lay me back down. "Dr. Jensen was finishing another consult. She'll be here soon." Nita's a doctor?? Nita... Who's Nita? "I'm here! Sorry about the delay. Can you hear me, Ms. Anuntrakul?" Loud and clear, boss. "I'm Amanda Jensen and I'll be evaluating you today. Blink if you can understand me." Am I blinking yet? "How long has she been like this? Did someone else come with her so I can find out what happened to make her like this?" The nurse nodded. "Roughly an hour and a half. She has a whole troop outside waiting for her."

Dr. Jensen shined a light over my eyes again. "She's not responsive, but at least she's conscious. Let's keep her that way while I talk to the family members." The nurse caressed my hair. Don't touch it. You think my hair looks this good all the time? No! It takes at least an hour to make it this beautiful and it will probably be ruined by this horrible bed. It's not even comfortable. "Sam!" Grandmother? "What's happened to you? Who did this??" Dr. Jensen placed her hands on grandmother's shoulders to stop her from coming in the room. Good, because she looks scary right now. "Lady Grandmother, I was just about to speak with Sam's friends so we can know what happened." She pushed the doctor away. "Don't you dare touch me. Those are not her friends. They are horrible influences on my granddaughter's life. They convinced her to throw away her future over a stupid girl who's not even here!" Kate appeared beside her. "Now is not the time for this. Doctor, what's wrong with Sam??" I saw my others friends standing beside her. Is that Charlotte with a kid? When did that happen??

"Ok I might have a diagnosis for Lady Sam, but I need to know what caused her to get into this state of mind." Jim and Kate held onto each other as they cried. What's wrong? Am I dying? Is that what happened to me? Tee spoke up. "We were at her house talking about what's been happening to her for the past few days when the lights went out. We heard a window break in the kitchen. Mon, her fiancée, and P'Fa, her sister, were kidnapped. Before she got like this, she got a call from the kidnapper and she hasn't said anything else since then." Grandmother shook her head. "They probably just want money. As soon as they ask for a ransom I'll pay to get my granddaughter back, but I am not paying a single cent to get that Mon girl back. She can rot for all I care. Who's to say she didn't plan all of this just to get some money from Sam? I wouldn't put it past a poor girl like her."

"And you think Sam being almost sexually assaulted two weeks ago was part of her plan too??" Grandmother looked at Charlotte in shock. "What?" Charlotte nodded. "Yeah, there's a lot that you don't know, Lady Grandmother. So before passing judgement, you need to hear the whole story first." I need some popcorn this was getting good. "Sam has been stalked probably for a while now I'm guessing and she was recently attacked by someone. She received an email today explaining that this person wants revenge. Not everything is about fucking money and power. So get Mon's name out of your foul mouth before I punch your face in. I care a lot about Mon and I won't let you drag her name through the mud." Grandmother had crossed her arms and was giving Charlotte the death stare. Uh-oh! "By the way, meet your great grandson." Ohhh, plot twist!

NOTE: Sam is suffering from emotional shock. Some of the symptoms are denial, numbness, disassociation, inability to move or speak, etc. 

Hope everyone is enjoying the story. Please let me know your thoughts <3

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