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"You will not." I was on the receiving end of grandmother's death stare but I didn't care. My family is in trouble. "Did you get the other stuff?" The head of security nodded and left for a minute. "Your grandmother's right, Sam. It's too dangerous." Jim, Tee and Kate were all shaking their heads. "I'm not asking for your permission." The head of security came back and gave me a bag. I grabbed one of the bulletproof vests and a hand gun. I put on the bulletproof vest. "Char, are you coming?" My eyes met hers. I knew she would come with me when I came up with the plan. She handed Song to Kate and kissed his head softly. "Take care of him." I gave her the other bulletproof vest and another hand gun. "Then we're going too." I placed the gun between my back and the back of my pants covering it with my shirt. 

I took the girls to the side. "I need you here caring for grandmother and for Song." Tee was about to protest, but I stopped her. "I won't say it again. Wait here. I already informed the police and they allowed me to go, not that they had much option." I took out my phone and showed them our chat. "I sent my location in the chat. You can keep tab on us all the time. I need to do this." I looked at them pleadingly when I felt Char's hand on my shoulder. "We both do." They nodded reluctantly. "Grandmother, please try not to worry. We will take every precaution, I promise." I kissed her cheek and hugged her. "I know you're stubborn as hell and I won't be able to convince you not to do this. Please take care of each other, that includes you Charlotte. Please don't leave my great grandson an orphan." Char smiled. "We'll be fine. We'll bring them back in one piece and everyone who is behind this will pay." 

We waved goodbye to all of them and went outside. "Where did the police say we should meet up with them?" The guard opened the door for us. "Don't worry miss. It's just 10 minutes from here. It's a very isolated place, it's a building under construction just on the edge of Bangkok. We need to be sure that we're not being followed so I will go around the neighborhood for a bit before heading there." I nodded and let Char get in the car first. He closed the door behind me and I served myself some whiskey. "Do you want some?" Char shook her head. "Suit yourself." I drank it one gulp and groaned at the burning sensation. The intercom in the car made a noise. "We'll be there in about 20 minutes, Lady Sam." I pressed the button to respond. "Ok, if it can be sooner than that please do your best." 

"Do you think they're okay? I have this horrible sensation in my chest and I can't help but wonder if they are hurt or worse." I placed my hand on top of Char's. "Hey, your wife is a fighter and she never gives up. Mon, though she make look fragile, is one of the strongest and bravest people I have ever known. She has to deal with me all the time soo." Char laughed. "Well that's true." I raised my eyebrow. "Don't make me stop liking you, Char. I can still change my mind." Char shook her head. "How did you know that I would come with you?" I smiled. "Ever since I was a kid and saw you and P'Fa together I knew that you would do anything for her. I had no doubts in my mind that you would do anything to get her back just like I want to get Mon back." She looked out the window, we were going through a corn field. "I think after this you and Mon should get married." 

I scoffed. "Trust me, I would marry her today if I could, but I have to make sure I'm completely healthy so I can take her to the end of the world and back." Char looked worried. "Yeah, I remembered hearing one of the nurses talking about it. I will do anything that I need to do, but my first priority is getting my reason for living back." She looked as if she was remembering something. "You know P'Fa has an obsession with watching serial killer documentaries which I hate because they're kind of scary, but she always used to say to me that if anything happened to her that I should never give up hope because she would always find a way to make it back home. And I'm...I'm trying not to lose hope, but this heavy feeling on my chest is killing me slowly and not knowing anything is not helping either. Nita said she would call you when she was going to give P'Fa back, but she never did." 

I didn't want to worry Char anymore than she already was so I kept my mouth shut and drank another glass of whiskey. That heavy feeling that she was talking about I haven't stopped feeling it since Mon and P'Fa were taken. Maybe I imagined things, but I could always tell what Mon was feeling in a way and since she's been gone I haven't felt anything. I dismissed the thought that was creeping up at the back of my mind. No, she's fine. It's because we're far away, that's why I can't feel her like I used to. "We're here, Lady Sam." I got out of the car and helped Char. "Ms. Anuntrakul, Mrs. Waraha, it's good to meet you. I'm sorry that it's under these circumstances." We shook the police officer's hand. "Ok we already checked the area with a drone and there's not many security guards on the outside, maybe 8. We're leaving the sirens off so we don't give them a heads up and I want you two on the third van. I don't want to expose you too much." 

"No!" Char and I yelled at the same time. "We're going on the first van and we're going inside of the building and that's not up for discussion, sir." He looked between us and shook his head. "Fine, are you wearing the bulletproof vests and do you have your hand guns?" We nodded. "Ok, let's go. We've wasted enough time as it is." Char and I got into the police SUV and we started heading to Nita's vacation home. Hold on a little bit longer, Mon. I'm coming to get you, my love. I will never let you go again I swear. 

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