First Night

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Mon and I got home after buying lunch. I didn't feel like thinking too much so we decided on pizza and bought a tub of rocky road and strawberry ice cream for dessert. I finished placing all of the bags on the counter. I didn't buy a single thing for myself, my friends will be proud when I tell them.

Mon: "I'm getting some water. Do you want something?" I grabbed her shoulders to stop her.
Sam: "That's okay love, I'll get it for you." Mon looked at me disapprovingly.
Mon: "You do know my hands and arms work too right?"
Sam: "I just want to be a good girlfriend, Mon. Pleasee." I gave her my best puppy eyes.
Mon: "Fine!" I went to the fridge and grabbed the pitcher of water and two glasses. I served water for Mon and gave her the glass and then served some for myself. I placed the pitcher back in the fridge.
Sam: "When we have kids, I'm going to pamper you just like this, maybe more." Mon spit out her water. I grabbed a napkin immediately and wiped her face. "You okay babe?"
Mon: "Yeah, I-I just didn't expect that." Mon took another sip of water.
Sam: "Sorry. After we eat we should take a bath together, always wanted to do that." Mon choked on her water again. "Mon!" I patted her back gently. "I should have waited until you finished drinking water, I'm sorry."

Mon: "Sam. Now that we are dating I want to have a privilege." I sat on the kitchen counter.
Sam: "I'm listening."
Mon: "Complete and total honesty. Stop saying the opposite of what you feel and just let me know the truth. Can you do that?"
Sam: "Hm that doesn't sound too hard." Mon nodded. "Ok let me ask you this. Wait." I grabbed her glass of water and placed it on the counter. "Don't want any more mishaps." Mon giggled. "Ok so I've never been in a relationship like this."
Mon: "Me neither." She smiled.
Sam: "Should we have sex tonight?" Her eyes went wide and she smacked my arm.
Mon: "Saaam!" I laughed loudly.
Sam: "I wish you could have seen your face. You turned into an owl for a second there. I'm kidding babe." I got off the counter and grabbed a couple of bags. "We can have sex tomorrow." I ran towards our room as soon as I heard Mon screaming my name. God, I love teasing her.

After putting away all of Mon's things, I found the bag from Bath and Body Works with the soaps and bath bombs we just bought. I placed them in the bathroom near the tub.
Sam: "Hey babe! Why don't you reheat the pizza in the oven? I'll be there in a few minutes." Mon nodded. I grabbed her arm before she left the room and turned her towards me. She looked at me confused. I pressed our lips together caressing her cheeks. Mon pulled me closer deepening the kiss. I was starting to lead her towards the bed while we kissed when I felt her hand push me away a little.
Mon: "I'm going downstairs now." She kissed my cheek and left in a hurry. I flopped down on the bed kicking my feet like a teenager who just got her first kiss and screamed into my pillow.
Sam: "This woman is going to be the death of me." I left everything ready for bath time and headed downstairs too.

We sat in the living room eating our food while watching an episode of Nevertheless on Netflix. I didn't love the main characters, but the girl who feel in love with her best friend and couldn't even talk to her about it had me hooked from the start. After it finished, I turned off the tv and looked at mon expectantly.
Sam: "Bath time."
Mon: "No funny business ok?" She raised an eyebrow. I acted offended.
Sam: "Mon! How could you think that of me? It's not like you're my girlfriend and i want to please you in every way that i can." I slowly inched on top of her on the couch. "I don't know how much longer I can take without being able to touch your body that way Mon." I wrapped her legs around me and started leaving soft kisses on her neck. Mon's hands were all over my hair. "Mmm Mon." I stopped and looked into her eyes. "I'm going upstairs first, I need to take a cold bath first before you enjoy me. If I don't I won't be able to control myself." I kissed her forehead, untangle myself and ran upstairs.

I lighted the candles just like always, I added some of my muscle relaxing soap and sat there in the cold water. Calm down, Sam. You're not a starving kid that hasn't eaten. You can control yourself. I started arguing with myself in my head when I heard a soft knock on the door.
Mon: "Sam are you okay? You've been in there for 10 minutes."
Sam: "Yes, sorry. Come join me." I don't know if Mon had all of this confidence before she came in here, but never in my life I thought that she would undress right in front of me.

She had a black dress with roses on it. It fell to the floor revealing a matching pink bra and panties. Dear lord, I know I'm not you're strongest soldier, but please let me win this battle today. Mon grabbed her phone and put on some music. She unhooked her bra which fell on top of the dress and removed her panties slowly. Is she trying to get me killed?

I could only watch mesmerized by her beauty. She got into the tub and sat down right in front of me smiling as if nothing happened.
Mon: "Can you pass me the soap love?" I grabbed the bar of soap and gave it to her. I felt as if I was under a spell, maybe I was, I couldn't function properly. I watched as the soap passed all over Mon's body, her intense gaze met mine. That cold bath did nothing!

Mon placed the soap on the side of the tub and made her way towards me. I swallowed the ocean of saliva that had formed in my mouth. All I could do was stare. Mon sat on top of me and placed my arms around her body, pressing our bodies together. I moaned softly at the sensation.
Mon: "What happened to my brave Lady Sam? Did the bath run so cold now you can't speak?"

She started massaging my hair, I slowly leaned my head back. I felt Mon's lips on my neck leaving a trail of kisses leading up to my ear lobe which she nibbled. I thought I would be the dominant one. I moved my head forward. My eyes met Mon's.
Sam: "I want you so badly Mon, but I don't know if I can do this. Maybe we should wait." Mon got so serious for a second.
Mon: "Did I do something wrong?" She looked sad.
Sam: "No, no, baby trust me. You did nothing wrong. But right now i can barely think straight and I want both of us to enjoy our first time together ok? This is our first day as lovers and I've been nervous as hell all day." Mon laughed.
Mon: "You? Nervous?! Sam, I've been nervous thinking about this. I didn't know if this is what you actually wanted or if you were just teasing me. This is my first relationship." She blushed.
Sam: "Baby, let's just learn together as we go." Mon nodded and gave me a tight hug. This time there was no other intention. Our excitedness died down and we just enjoyed bathing each other. We used the bath bombs which I don't recommend to anyone because they make a mess, my tub is now pink.

Being honest helps. A LOT.


Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend <3 I'll run a cold bath for myself as well

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