Content Meeting

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Jim: "Hey, do you think you should stop resisting? Maybe you should close down your company, marry Kirk, and get ready to have kids. That way, your grandmother can stop messing with your life."

Kate: "Ugh! Jim, isn't that exactly what grandmother wants?" I lower my head. I can't give grandmother what she wants. It's too much and I'm not ready. "She always gets exactly what she wants by pressuring Sam."

Sam: "I don't want to live that life. The company is my only happiness."

Tee: "Then, I think there's only one solution: the company must survive. If you can do that, I think you can still be happy...even after you get married and have kids." Does that part still have to be in the equation?

Jim: "But I think there's another way that can let her be free of her grandmother." Another way? "Curse her to death." I was not in the mood for jokes, but Jim could almost always crack a smile from my face even if I dismissed it fairly quickly.

Kate: "Let's make a toast to that." Tee noticed that Jim's drink was orange juice instead of wine like we all had.

Tee: "Why is the alcoholic not drinking wine?"

Jim: "The reason why I'm not drinking is because of...the baby!" We congratulated her and I couldn't help but feel joy. I'm going to be an aunt. I think of the idea of having my own kid some day and I can't imagine it. After dessert, we say goodbye and head on home. 

I'm sitting there in my car thinking about Mon. She hasn't texted me that she's home. I sent her mad stickers on Line in the hopes that she would be awake and message me back. After a few seconds she messages me saying that she's home and didn't want to bother me at this hour. I liked teasing her so I said that she should be more considerate because it's late and we shouldn't be texting. I left our conversation at that.

In the morning I did my daily routine a little faster than usual. Why was I in such a hurry today? Mon. Today, Mon will present her ideas for the new page to me. I'm in my office pacing back and forth. The meeting is scheduled for 11am, but I can't wait to see her. I call Yha and tell her that Mon needs to present right now, or she never will. Two minutes later I hear a soft knock at the door.

Mon's design was almost perfect. A few tweaks here and there and this would be the new page design, but of course I can't let her know that because she won't come to see me again in my office throughout the day. I told her to re-do it three times. I might have been a little harsh in my criticism, but I just wanted to be close to her even if it was for a few minutes.

Every time she would leave the office, her perfume would fill the room. Every time she came back my heart would race. Her design was getting better and better each time. I did anything I could to be closer to her. I would turn the computer towards her and stand by her side just inhaling her perfume and watching her point to things on the screen to see if they needed corrections. Mon was getting tired of this game though.

Mon: "Could you please be a little more specific, Lady Boss? Please let me know what you like or dislike, what kind of content you prefer in particular. Your comments are quite broad right now. I still can't figure out what kind of content you prefer. Or perhaps..." Crap! She knows what I'm doing. Don't panic Sam. Look straight ahead and don't let any emotions show. "You're still upset about last night? Is that why you don't approve of my ideas?"

Sam: "What about last night?" I know what she meant, but it wasn't that. I got a little upset, but not enough to justify rejecting her ideas. Why couldn't Mon understand that I want her here in my office all the time? Was it so difficult to understand? "Why do kids these days lack patience? Are you that discouraged by my rejections?" My usual boss attitude came out, but I didn't mean for it to happen. I was getting upset too. Why don't you understand me Mon?

Mon: "I'm not discouraged. I'm just..."

Sam: "Nothing comes easily. If you want to be better than others, you have to try harder." This was true even though it didn't apply to Mon. She was already the best from the little time we've worked together, but I didn't want her to think that everything she does will be approved immediately. She has to earn it.

Mon: "I understand. I've tried very hard to get to this point."

Sam: "Keep trying, then. Give me more ideas." I dismissed her with my hand. I think I might have been a little harsher than I intended. After that, Mon didn't come back into the office. I was about to request for her to come, but I decided not to. I didn't want to upset her more. I don't know how to express my feelings to her without saying them. 

If she knew what I wanted from just one look, everything would be much simpler for us both. 

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