Her Biggest Fan

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After I met Khun Sam, I became completely obsessed with her. We only talked once, but I dedicated myself to being just as good as her. Since Khun Sam comes from a royal family, her standards are way too high. Her grades are excellent, she participates in a lot of extracurriculars. You can tell she's meant to be a leader someday. Whatever she studied, I studied. Whatever she wore, I made my mom knit for me since we can't afford to buy expensive things. I tried many times to sum up the courage to speak to her again, but it seemed impossible. Why would she remember someone so insignificant like me?

Years went by and I was still following Khun Sam's every step. She graduated from high school and went into the best university in Thailand. I graduated a few years later and got into that same university as well and studied marketing, which is what she studied. I barely made it through class, but I didn't care. It was something done by Khun Sam, so it was worth it.

During my first year of college, Singha died. He was the best dog and I cared for him deeply. Every time I saw him, I reminded myself that I had a part of Khun Sam with me all the time. When he died, I thought that part was gone, but it didn't. Singha and a neighbor's dog had a puppy a few days before he died. The puppy was a vivid image of Singha. It was like a part of him and Khun Sam lived through the pup. I decided to name him Sam just to feel closer to her in some way.

Khun Sam had been kept busy with new responsibilities as soon as she graduated college. She had inherited her parents' marketing company so her new degree was very useful to her. With the little additional time she had, she did interviews for magazines and news programs. Everything that she mentioned I added to the list of facts that I knew about Khun Sam. Every magazine cover I kept safe in my collection. I'm her biggest fan. One of her last interviews she mentioned she was looking for new faces to join her team at her company. I applied for the job immediately. 

The reason why Khun Sam was now in charge of her parents' company was because they had died when they traveled overseas to open a new branch in their business. Little by little, Khun Sam's family members started to disappear. Her eldest sister Engfa disappeared completely. I heard rumors that their grandmother found out she was dating Charlotte and disowned her. Her middle sister Song died in a car accident. The newspapers and magazines at the time were filled with gossip stating that the only heir left would be Khun Sam and it came true.

The second greatest day of my life was when I received a call from Noi, the head of the human resources department of Khun Sam's company. She provided me with all the information I needed to start working on Monday. I filled out all of the paperwork and all that was left was to wait a few more days. I told my best friends about it. Nop, who has been my friend since kindergarten, just rolled his eyes and nodded. He didn't like that I talked about Khun Sam a lot, but I didn't care. Yuki, my best friend since we were born, started screaming excitedly and I joined her. They both know how long I've waited to be close to Khun Sam again. I still can't believe that starting on Monday I will see her every day.

Yuki: "OMG, finally! I can't believe it! If they are still hiring, please let me know so I can apply too. I'm so tired of working at the high school. It feels like I never left. Ugh!"

Mon: "I will let you know! I'm so happy. I don't even know what I'm going to wear. Oh God, I have to do my hair. Khun Sam can't see me like this."

Yuki: "Ok, ok, calm down. We still have a few days left to get you ready. Let's have a sleepover this weekend."

Mon: "Perfect!" I couldn't contain my excitement, so I did my happy dance.

Nop: "Mon, stop! That's so embarrassing. You have been doing that dance since we were kids. Get new moves already." Nop covered his face while laughing. Yuki joined me by doing my signature move. "I'm done, I'm leaving." He walked away while we laughed.

After almost 12 years, I'm going to see my Khun Sam.

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