The Decision

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Mon and Sam took the babies to the guest room. Sam had bought a crib for when Song came to visit and they used it so little Monica could finish her nap. Sam walked out of the room and Mon closed the door behind them. "Okay, what nonsense are you talking about, Samanun?" Sam grabbed her hand and lead Mon to their bedroom. "Please just listen to me first okay." Mon nodded and sat on the edge of the bed. Sam paced back and forth as she talked. "I am so sorry for the way that I talked to you before. You're right, this is a partnership and you're my fiancee. I will do anything to make you happy which makes me happy. Yes, I thought it would be a huge mistake for us to have a baby just because grandmother says so. I want to have a baby, Mon. I want the baby to look just like you. I want them to be as sweet and perfect as you are. I know it will take time and patience and I know we won't sleep for the next 21 years, maybe more, but I want you to be my wife, the mother of my children and everything. I want to love you in every kind of way there is. I already loved you as my girlfriend, I love you as my fiancee and I'm ready to love you as my wife and as the mother of our babies." Mon smiled widely. "This decision involves both of us and I want you to know that if you're ready, I want to take this step with you, just not right now." Mon's eyes softened. "I want to become a mom, but I'm not ready to do that yet. I want to be able to enjoy being your wife first before we take the next step and if that means that I can't accomplish one of grandmother's wishes right now then so be it. I will talk to her and explain that we aren't ready for that step. I just don't want to lose you, Mon. I love you enough to die for you and I am so sorry that I hurt you without thinking. From now on, every single decision that involves both of us will be our decision." Sam sat beside Mon and grabbed her hands. "Can you please forgive me?" Sam looked into her eyes on the verge of tears hoping this apology was enough.

Mon pulled her in for a hug. "I forgive you. This is all I've ever wanted, Sam, for you to see me as a partner. I told you before if you're not ready then we're not ready and I won't pressure you into anything. I just want you to include me in your choices." Sam kissed her shoulder and looked at Mon holding her face in her hands. "I promise that every single decision I have to make I will make sure to include you in it. I love you, Mon, more than I will ever love anyone in my life." Mon smiled and kissed Sam. "I love you." Kisses, moans and I love yous were exchanged. Pieces of clothing were being removed desperately. It had been more than a month since they had made love and the excitement was too much to bare. Little Monica crying interrupted their heated make out session. Mon groaned exasperated. "Really? She's been sleeping for like two hours no matter how much noise is heard and now she decides to wake up." Sam laughed and got off the bed. "I'll go check on her. Why don't you relax for a while?" She put on her shirt and ran over to the guest room. Song was still asleep even though his sister was crying her little lungs out. "Just like P'Fa." She scoffed, grabbed little Monica and headed downstairs so Mon could relax as well. She bounced the baby as she rubbed her back calming her down. "You are turning into one of my sex interrupting friends. You couldn't cry at another time?" Little Monica placed her hands on Sam's face. "You need me to change your diaper kid? You feel heavier than before. Did you do the nasty and that's why you cried?" The baby giggled. "Hm why do I feel like you can understand me?" She placed the baby on the couch. 

With the diaper bag right beside her, she was ready to begin. "Bare with me okay? I'm not really a master at this like auntie Mon-Mon." Sam removed the dirty diaper and almost hurled because of the smell. "Good lord, what did you eat child?" Little Monica was giggling and kicking her feet. Sam's curiosity got the best of her and she looked at the contents of the dirty diaper. "Ugh something ain't right with you. I have never seen this color in my life!" She wrapped up and tossed the dirty diaper in the trash. She grabbed the wipes and placed three on her hand wiping off all the nasty residue. "Oh god even your little butt is dirty. What did you do? Implode??" The baby kept giggling at Sam's disgusted facial expressions. "What are you laughing at? I should throw you away with that diaper too. We can buy your parents a new baby." Sam laughed at her own joke and applied some diaper rash cream on a small spot between the baby's thighs. "Okay, we're done right? You know nudism should be a part of our culture. We could save money on clothes, stop wasting time getting ready." She blew on the baby's stomach causing more giggles. "Okay, okay, let's get serious." Sam stretched her neck side to side. She raised the baby's legs and slid a clean diaper underneath. "You better keep this one clean for a while or it will be auntie Mon-Mon's turn with the nastiness." She pulled the front of the diaper and laid it on the baby's belly sticking the two stretchy tape wings onto the center making sure the baby was snug and comfortable. "There! That only took what? Like 20 minutes?" Mon who had been silently laughing at the scene spoke up. "Maybe 30 minutes, babe. It's not a science putting on a diaper." Sam mocked her and picked up the baby. "Yeah for you cause you've got mother genes, but I'm still learning so shush." Mon pecked her lips.

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