Side Effects

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I had a split second. I sprinted towards Mon who still hadn't realized what was about to happen. The sound of the car horn, tires screeching, and Mon's scream were heard at the same time. I managed to pull her towards me. The driver rolled down the window and apologized. I dismissed him. Mon still hadn't said a word. I checked for any sign of injury even if I got there in time. We were holding onto to each other for support. I felt her heart beating loudly and mine was too. I couldn't show any kind of emotion, but I was hiding it very well behind my seriousness.

Sam: "Are you that shocked? What's wrong?" Why hasn't she said anything? Hmm déjà vu. "Did I give you so much work that you wanted to get hit by a car?"

Mon: "I just spaced out for a second. Um, thank you." I relaxed my grip on her for the first time in the past few minutes. "Are you not leaving yet?"

Sam: "I was still on the phone." Why do I feel the need to explain myself to her? "And I ended up seeing you, Ms. Kornkamon, chatting with Yha as I walked. You seemed to have defended me." Mon was speaking about me like she knew the real me. "Anyway, do you have a nickname, Ms. Kornkamon?"

Mon: "It's Mon."

Sam: "Mon? It's Mon, baby?" Mon looked away blushing. What the hell is wrong with me? Why did I say that?

Mon: "Did you just call me baby?" I shook my head ignoring her question and then cleared my throat.

Sam: "How did you know I like dogs?" I remembered the facts that Mon spoke about before.

Mon: "Ah...from interviews."

Sam: "But in those interviews I said I liked cats." I remember the script my friends gave me.

Mon: "Then, I must have made a mistake." Why does her face look so familiar? I can't shake the déjà vu feeling I had before.

Sam: "Have we met before?"

Mon: "Erm...well..." I dismissed whatever she was going to state. It was obvious we have never met before.

Sam: "That can't be it. You just started working."

Mon: "That's right."

Sam: "How are you getting back home?" Again, why did I care so much about her? Never cared about any employee before.

Mon: "I ordered a taxi." Other than the car that almost ran her over, there were no taxis in this area at this time. It was almost 9pm.

Sam: "This late at night?" I looked down at her shirt. If someone spilled even the tiniest bit of water on her shirt it would become more see-through than it already was. "With a shirt this thin?" I can't let her go around like this. "Follow me."

She seemed like the type to follow rules. Except when she had something to say about them. We reached Ms. Duanpen and I looked for a blazer to give to her.

Sam: "This is Ms. Duanpen." (Duanpen means full moon.) My car is the first thing I bought with my own money. My mom used to read me a poem when I was little about the full moon and how its glow made others happy, so I named the car Ms. Duanpen.

Mon: "Is that your car's name?"

Sam: "Of course." I closed the door of the car and placed the blazer on Mon's shoulder. I held it close at the front so it would cover most of her body. "Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?" I didn't want her to stop, but if I didn't say anything I would have leaned in.

Mon: "That's not it." She moved away from me. I felt hurt. I didn't like the distance there was between us now. I missed having her body close to mine. Enough with these thoughts Sam.

Sam: "You reek of alcohol. Can you even go to work tomorrow?"

Mon: "Of course, I can." My blazer hugged her body perfectly. The effect this woman has on me.

Sam: "You don't know your limit."

Mon: "You sound like my mother." Never say that again Mon. The idea of being your mother, sister or anything related made me mad.

Sam: "Are you calling me old?"

Mon: "No. I mean you worry about my well-being like my mum does." Or a girlfriend...

Sam: "So how are you getting back home?" She already told you, Sam!

Mon: "I ordered a taxi a while ago, but I think I'll try again." I stopped her from grabbing her phone. The thought of driving her home seemed a bit too much so I decided to call her a taxi myself to ease my mind.

Sam: "VIP taxi?... Could you please pick me up at the Japanese restaurant? It's near Suvarnabhumi Airport." And now we wait.

There was no awkward silence. I looked around for anyone who might not have good intentions with Mon while we waited for the taxi. Mon just stared at me and smiled. What was she looking at? I was about to ask when the taxi arrived.

Mon: "Thank you so much, Lady Sam." I liked how my name sounded when she said it. I extended my phone to her. "Hmm?"

Sam: "Your Line ID."

Mon: "What?"

Sam: "So you can text me when you get home." Mon nodded and placed her contact information into my phone. I got into my car and left. I parked around the corner just to make sure that the taxi did take her and only her. After that I drove off to meet with my friends. 

I checked my phone a lot, but I didn't get any messages from Mon.

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