Ghost Encounter

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I stayed at the office too long. It was almost 6:30pm. Everyone had already left, but Mon's light was still on when I closed my office door.

Sam: "Didn't even switch off the light before she left." I walked towards her desk and turned the light off. There was barely any visibility. I slowly backed away from the desks looking around. I should have left that light on. If I see even a shadow, I will probably faint. Ok, stay strong Samanun. You can do this. Just walk towards the exit and go home. There's nothing here. I turn around and see a creature standing in front of me.

My screams were echoing against the walls. The creature screamed as well. I threw my jacket at whatever that was and ran away. I could feel it running after me.

Sam: "Ahh! What are you doing?! Leave me alone!" I screamed again, but the creature was not stopping. "Don't come near me! Stay back! Don't come any closer!" I kept running as fast as I could. I felt a hand behind me trying to reach me. OMG, it's going to grab me. I heard the creature thing yell No. What does it want from me? I'm drop dead gorgeous, I know, but I'm not ready to die. I grabbed a big book that was on top of a desk and started hitting the thing.

Mon: "Ahh! Stop, stop! AH!" Weird, I didn't know ghosts could talk or feel pain. I kept on smacking it so it would leave me alone. "Ouch!" I hid my face behind the book.

Sam: "Do ghosts feel physical pain?" I lowered the book a little bit and opened my eyes.

Mon: "Ow! I'm not a ghost. This is Mon." I was startled by the response and hit it with the book. Wait, did she just say Mon? "Ow!" I moved the book away from my view and finally recognized Mon. She was touching her head where I had hit her.

Sam: "You're a ghost. There's no doubt about it." I looked for my phone and turned on the flashlight.

Mon: "I'm not a ghost."

Sam: "Have a look. Grab a mirror." She grabbed a mirror from her pocket. Her make up was all messed up and her hair was all over the place, but that was probably from the jacket and the hits with the book. She looked like the girl from a movie called The Ring, scariest movie I've ever seen.

Mon: "Huh? Why do I look so horrible?"

Sam: "See? I told you, you're a ghost."

Mon: "It must be because I was rubbing my eyes too much."

Sam: "Serves you right. You appeared out of nowhere." I turned off the flashlight. My eyes had adjusted to the dark by then. I really hit her hard, she was still touching her head. "Are you hurt?"

Mon: "Of course. Do you even have to ask? You smacked me hard." Again, something I should have apologized for, but I don't know how.

Sam: "Come. I'll treat your wound." I took her to one of our seating areas and turned on the lights. "Wait here." I went to the kitchen and found an ice pack for her head. I sat down in front of her and placed it on the area that I hit with the book. "Serves you right. You shouldn't have popped up suddenly." I tried to be mad at her, but she looked so cute. "Hold it. My hand is freezing." She grabbed the ice pack and held it in place.

Mon: "Lady Sam, you're mean." She pouted and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Sam: "You can't blame me. You know I'm afraid of ghosts. Surely you planned to scare me since you didn't even make any noise."

Mon: "Other people wouldn't go straight to that conclusion. You sure are special." I know she said it sarcastically, but I didn't care. I am special.

Sam: "It's very easy to reach that conclusion. I couldn't sleep all night. Look! I have dark circles under my eyes." I pointed to them. "Are you still not satisfied?"

Mon: "You misunderstood. I didn't mean to scare you off. I was washing my face, and I must have smudged my make up." She needs to buy better products. I can't have her melting make-up in this office. 

Sam: "Stop using cheap cosmetics. There's plenty of good waterproof ones out there. Learn to invest in beauty." Like me.

Mon: "Understood. I'll save some money and buy some good products, so I don't look like a ghost." Good girl. It's late. Why is she still here?

Sam: "Why are you still at the office? Your shift ended almost two hours ago."

Mon: "Um... I was working on the new content for you, Lady Sam."

Sam: "I see. So, you want to show off. Are you scared that I could catch the mole?"

Mon: "If there's a mole, it's not me. I hope Diversity Pop gains a lot of followers just how you want it to." I looked at her questioningly. She seemed sincere, at least enough for me.

Sam: "As a new employee, you are so dedicated to the company. Next time, you should come work with me one on one." That way I can keep an eye on you and the content at the same time.

Mon: "Are you actually asking me to do that?"

Sam: "Yeah. If it's just us doing the work together, our secrets won't be leaked again." Plus, I have the perfect excuse to keep you in my office all day. Sam, you're a genius. "If you don't agree to this, I'll fire you even if you're not the mole." I extend my hand to her. She nods and almost grabs it. I turn my hand into a fist and with my index finger, point to the ice pack so she can give it to me. As soon as I grab the ice pack, Mon's hands grip the seat she's in as if she's nervous.

Mon: "Are you going somewhere else after this?" With you?

Sam: "No. Why do you ask? Are you asking me to go somewhere with you? I'm not going." That was a lie. I will go anywhere you ask me to, Mon. 

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