First Day as a Couple

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Sam: "Good morning to my gorgeous girlfriend." I pecked Mon's lips.

Mon: "Good morning Sam."

Sam: "Are you ready for today?"

Mon: "I didn't know we had plans." She smiled excitedly.

Sam: "Of course! Today is your first day as my girlfriend. We're going shopping."

Mon: "Yay! When? Should I get ready now?"

Sam: "In a bit. Let's go eat breakfast first ok?" She nodded. I grabbed her hand and helped her out of bed. We walked downstairs where breakfast had already been served.

I pulled out the chair so Mon could sit, I kissed the back of her hand and sat next to her.

Sam: "Next time I'll cook for you, but I was too excited today."

Mon: "You can cook?!" She took a bite of her plate and seemed to enjoy the food.

Sam: "Yes, I can. I just don't have enough time to do it so my servant does it for me after she cleans the house. If I have a meal with friends or someone from work, I'll just let her know she doesn't need to cook for me that day."

Mon: "Hm is she pretty?" I laughed.

Sam: "Well she's about my grandmother's age so yeah she's beautiful." Mon blushed.

Mon: "Oh." She kept eating away. I took two or three bites of my plate, I kept looking at Mon and enjoying being with her. "Eat." She fed me a bite of her fork.

Sam: "I could get used to this."

Mon: "Hey Sam, I have something to tell you."

Sam: "What is it babe?" I took a sip of my coffee.

Mon: "I'm not actually going to work at Tee's company."

Sam: "What do you mean? I thought she hired you already."

Mon: "Tee tricked you into thinking I joined her company. She did it so that you would realize you like me and confess your feelings."

Sam: "That sneaky fox. I knew something was weird when Yuki said they are dating when the night before Tee told me she wanted to date you." Mon giggled.

Mon: "If she hadn't done that we wouldn't have opened up to each other like this."

Sam: "Hm maybe. When I thought I wouldn't be able to see you anymore I couldn't take it."

Mon: "Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be your girlfriend."

Sam: "Thank you for being everything I always wanted Mon." I kissed her cheek. "Let's go get ready. It's time to do some shopping and I have a little surprise for you."

We drove to Siam Mall which was about 20 minutes away. I felt happier and relaxed when Mon was with me. I was singing the lyrics to a song on the radio when I noticed that she was looking at me smiling. I blushed. I've never done that even with my friends. I guess being in a relationship is all about new experiences with your person.

As soon as we got there, I took Mon to get our nails done. I had a design in mind, but I hoped she would choose the same one so I let her look at the catalogue and she did choose it. A couple getting their nails done together, love it! When she was done, we showed off our nails to each other.

Sam: "Let's call this nail art 'ChamChamMonMon'."

Mon: "I like it! Sounds cute."

Sam: "Yes. Let's get to shopping."

Mon: "Yes my love." She grabbed my arm and lead the way to a nearby lingerie store.

Mon chose a couple of underwear that I will certainly enjoy when she models them for me later. She picked a couple of bras to match. There was a display of black lingerie that I really wanted her to use. She shook her head no. I didn't take no for an answer. I asked the store clerk to get me two of the different models. Mon sighed but moved on quickly to the next store after we paid.

Mon was looking at a colorful Gucci bag that I know she really wanted, but I also knew she was not going to have the money to pay for it and she would not ask me to buy it for her because of the price.

Sam: "Do you like it?"

Mon: "I do. It's nice." I signaled one of the store clerks.

Sam: "I'll take this one please."

Mon: "Sam."

Sam: "For you, our 1st day anniversary gift." She knew she couldn't say no to a gift.

Mon: "Fine, but I want to buy something for you too."

Sam: "I already have everything I need right here." Since we're in public I just hugged her. I'm not ashamed of being with Mon in public, she knows that, but until we tell Grandmother and everyone else this had to be our secret.

Near the food court Mon looked at the local sellers. They had all kind of jewelry pieces, most were hand made. She saw a bracelet that had fake diamonds all over it and a heart in the middle. Mon pointed at it excitedly.

Mon: "Look Sam."

Sam: "It's cheap though. You like it?"

Mon: "Sam." She reproved me even though it was true, but I did say it a little too loud and the seller looked offended. "I'm sorry. Let's just go that way." I looked at the seller apologetically and left with Mon.

After visiting a couple more stores, my stomach was rumbling.

Mon: "Let me help you with the bags."

Sam: "It's okay, I'll do it for you." I'm a gentlewoman after all. "What do you want to eat Mon?"

Mon: "What would you like eat Lady Sam?"

Sam: "I asked you first, but ok. How about that restaurant over there?"

Mon: "I think I want to eat at the restaurant that..."

Yha: "Lady boss!" I looked back to make sure it was Yha. Crap!

Sam: "Mon you have to hide. Yha is coming."

Mon: "Ok, ok." She crouched down behind a vase display that was near us. Yha approached me and I forced a smile onto my face, I was panicking. I really hoped she hadn't seen Mon.

Yha: "Are you shopping?"

Sam: "Yeah, by myself."

Yha: "But I haven't asked you that Lady Boss."

Sam: "Oh. Never mind then."

Yha: "Hm are you really by yourself? I saw you talking to someone Lady Boss."

Sam: "Oh, I was asking for restaurant recommendations, that's all."

Yha: "I'll excuse myself then. I don't want to disturb your shopping. See you at the office Lady Boss." She waved goodbye and left. I made sure she had before I waved Mon over so she would come out of hiding.

Mon: "That was close."

Sam: "I was awesome, wasn't I?"

Mon: "Shopping by yourself?"

Sam: "Yeah, I messed up there, but I made up for it." Mon sniggered. "Let's just eat at home before someone else finds us."

Mon: "Yeah, let's go." 

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