Just Another Monday

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I woke up like always with a splitting headache. I have to go to the doctor at some point, but who has time for that? I took a shower and went downstairs to have breakfast. I walked towards the pool, coffee in hand and enjoyed the quiet. The only sound came from the water that replenishes the pool. This was my favorite part of the day before I headed into chaos.

The roar of Ms. Duanpen brings me back to reality. I found myself driving to work and I didn't even realize it. Funny how you can be so deep in your thoughts that everything else becomes secondary. I have to focus today. I have to fire two of my employees for breaking my rule. Is it that hard to find competent workers who obey every single command?

I park where it says "CEO of Diversity Pop" and look at myself in the mirror. The person I see is not who I am, but it's who my employees need to see, especially today. As I go upstairs, I hear Aunt Mhee yelling that I have arrived. I smile at that because she sounds so scared and I can hear the scattered whispers of panic. I quickly erased my smile and walked upstairs. Everyone is almost in their seats. I see a young woman just standing in the middle of the hallway looking lost. I'm guessing she's the new hire. I walk towards her and her eyes can't even meet mine. That's what I want, for them to fear me.

Sam: "What time is it?" I say that while looking at the giant clock behind her. She looks for her phone, but I needed a quicker response. I turned around and looked at the rest. "I'm asking you what time it is."

Employees: "9:15." They all stand up as if in the military. I smirk and immediately dismiss it.

Sam: "I want everyone in the meeting room in 5 minutes. I have an important announcement to make." I walk towards my office and look at them once more. "I've changed my mind. I want everyone in the meeting room in 2 minutes." I smile sarcastically. I close the office door behind me and hear the commotion outside. In some ways, I love scaring the living hell out of them.

I start heading into the meeting room. I hear quiet whispers around the room which immediately stop once I come in.

Sam: "Everyone knows I've been managing this company the best I can, so all of us can stay here together like a family." They all just stare at me without uttering a sound. "I have one question though. And I need you to speak only the truth. Family members must not date, correct?" Gasps could be heard, and most had their mouths agape. They started questioning each other.

I turn on the projector so everyone can see. The video image of two employees making out in the storage room impacts everyone. I hear them talk as they figure out who they are. The employees were Toey and Ae. Toey walks towards Ae and puts his arm around her. Everyone already knew what would happen to them.

Toey: "But we love each other, Lady Boss."

Sam: "If you want to do that, go somewhere else. The rule here is no office romance is allowed."

Ae: "But... Lady Boss, though we're a couple, we haven't made any mistakes at work at all."

Sam: "For this company, it's a serious issue. Rules are rules. Both of you have been working here for a long time, you should know better how serious I am about this. Yet, you still broke the rule, that means you do not respect me. Go get your belongings and leave. Both of you." I throw their last checks onto a chair in front of me. "Here is your compensation money." I turn around, but before I go, I remind them what will happen if they break my rules again. "And if there's anybody else who tries to break the rules, I will go after them for sure."

I'm almost outside of the meeting room when I hear Toey yelling at me.

Toey: "So be it! I quit. You'd better hope you don't slip and that the day you date a person from the company doesn't come!" I don't hear anything else afterwards. I head over to the rooftop to relax and breathe.

Little did I know that his warning would change everything for me.

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