Babies and Wedding Planning

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NOTE: Hi, everyone! We are on the last 7-8 chapters of this story! 🥲 Thank you so much for liking, commenting and reading. I hope you have enjoyed my version of Gap The Series. Please remember to go watch the episodes on YouTube and to vote for the girls in all the award nominations. Also I want to inform you that these last few chapters will all be written in the third person POV so I can give a proper ending to everyone involved in this storyline. Thank you again and enjoy!

"Awkward..." said Nude as she pulled Marima away from the scene. "Let's keep partying girls." P'Fa said and they all agreed. Tee played the music low enough that they could all hear the conversation. Amanda and Tina hadn't stopped staring at each other. The girls formed a small circle on the edge of the pool and watched as they interacted. "H-hey Tina. You look good." Tina looked away for a second. "Yeah, so do you. How are you?" Amanda shrugged. "I'm doing okay... Long time no see." Tina thought about not saying anything, but she need to. "Heidi, I'm so sorry about what I did to you!" Amanda froze for a moment, then turned to look at the rest of the girls. "Thank you for inviting me, but I think I better go." She grabbed her things and walked back into the house. Nude and Marima quickly came to Tina's side to talk to her. Mon nudged Sam to go after her. Sam got out of the pool, dried off quickly and ran after her friend. "Amanda?! Hey!" Amanda was wiping away her tears. Sam stood in front of her and placed her hands on her shoulders. "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't know you two knew each other." Amanda scoffed. "It's hard to imagine a life without ever knowing Tina. She changed everything for me, but I guess I wasn't good enough."

Sam hugged Amanda and stroked her back consoling her. She had never seen Amanda like this. She always seemed so sure of herself and headstrong, but Sam knew even the strongest person in the world has a weak spot. "Want to talk about it?" Amanda shook her head and moved away. "No, I'm fine. You have to be with your fiancée, it's her party." Sam gave Amanda a tissue from the box that was on the kitchen counter. "Who do you think sent me after you?" Amanda laughed and punched Sam's arm lightly. "Hey! What was that for?" Amanda wiped her tears. "So your friend is upset and you weren't gonna go after her?" Sam clenched her teeth awkwardly. "I'm still working on being a better friend." Sam dodged another one of Amanda's punches when Tina came into the room. "Heidi?" Amanda looked up to see Tina scratching her head looking anywhere but at her. "Can we talk?" Sam looked at Amanda to make sure she was okay with it and she nodded. "Try not to break anything." Sam patted Tina's shoulder as she walked by  and closed the door that leads to the patio behind her. Tina signaled towards the couch so they could sit.

They were right next to each other and it felt so awkward. Tina played with her hands and Amanda finished wiping the tears off her face. "No one has called me Heidi in such a long time. I wouldn't let them, not even the girls." Heidi was the nickname that Tina had given her since they started dating. Tina sighed heavily. "Look Heidi I-I'm sorry about what I did. I know it's no excuse, but I didn't feel ready for everything that we were dealing with. It was a stupid drunk mistake that broke us and I am so sorry." Amanda allowed herself to remember their relationship after so long. They had both been dating for two and a half years without Tina's parents knowing. She didn't think her parents would agree with their relationship so they passed it off as a friendship in their eyes. Amanda is 3 years older than Tina and at the time she wanted to have a baby. Tina was so in love that she just said yes blindly without thinking about what a baby would imply. After doing the artificial insemination Amanda did a pregnancy test and it was positive. The full weight of what she had done came down on Tina and she ran away from the apartment they shared. She ignored all of Amanda's calls and her friends and went to a bar. A guy fixated on her. He danced with her all night, they shared drinks and talked. One thing lead to another and the next morning Tina woke up in a strange apartment. She remembered what had happened. They tried having sex, but they were so intoxicated that they fell asleep. She didn't cheat with sex, but she did cheat. She scolded herself for being so stupid. She stayed over at Marima's apartment and begged her not to say anything until she could face her girlfriend. Marima had a huge crush on her so she was more than willing to help out. Two days later, Tina came into the apartment expecting to be yelled at by Amanda. "Heidi, I can explain." Amanda had a suitcase beside her. "W-where are you going?" Amanda scoffed. "I don't really think it concerns you anymore." She placed some papers on the table. "Oh and don't worry, it was a false positive." Just like that Amanda left the apartment and she never spoke with Tina again until today.

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