Mr. Interruptions

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I gently moved back opening my eyes. Mon opened her eyes, she smiled at me, and I pressed our foreheads together.

Sam: "Was that okay?"

Mon: "More than okay. But what...?" Mon received a call. Who could ruin this perfect moment? "Nop, what's up? Oh hell no. I stood up and went to the car. I'm so done with Nop and Mr. Chin too. Mon is mine, I'm not about to share her with anyone.

Mon finished her call and joined me in the car. The ride back home was quiet. Mon tried to make conversation, but I really couldn't talk. I needed to clear my head, I didn't want to take my anger out on her. She grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers, my anger decreased immediately. I looked at her through the rearview mirror and she smiled at me. It's not her fault that she's so beautiful and perfect, can't really blame them for wanting what's mine.

Because of traffic, it was already 6pm by the time I parked in front of Mon's house. We were still holding hands.

Mon: "Lady Sam, are you mad at me?"

Sam: "No." I flashed her a forced smile to ease her mind, but I could tell it wasn't enough. I wasn't mad anymore, but I didn't know how to express how I feel about the situation. "Let's go. Teacher Pohn is waiting for you."

Mon: "Yes."

Sam: "Don't forget your prawns." Mon and I tried to grab the bag from the backseat at the same time and our eyes met. I wanted to kiss her again so badly. Consent first, Sam. I didn't get it the first time, I was lucky I wasn't met with a slap to the face instead of a kiss. "Can we do it again?"

Mon: "What?"

Sam: "You know... Can I kiss you again?" Mon nodded. That's all I needed before pressing our lips together once more.

As the first kiss, this one was gentle, soft, and slow. I wanted to take my time. Mon placed her arms around my neck deepening the kiss, I almost moaned at the feeling of being closer to her. We made out for a few seconds before we were startled by someone knocking on the window of the car.

This man did not just interrupt my meal! Now I was furious.

Sam: "He sure has terrible timing, I'll give him that!"

Mon: "I'm going to go." She got out of the car and greeted the idiot. "Hey Nop." Why wasn't she mad like me? This was the second time that he interrupted us. I got out of the car as well. If I could have killed him with my stare and annoyed face, I would have.

Nop: "Hello, Lady Sam."

Sam: "Hello." Why is he always around? Doesn't he have a home to go to?

Mon: "How long have you been standing here?" Mon sounded worried. Did she not want him to know?

Nop: "I just came out of your house. I saw Lady Sam's car, so I thought you must have arrived." Does it affect him if she's home or not? Ugh! Mon looked at me, she could tell I was fuming right now.

Mon: "Then... I'll excuse myself. Good night, Lady Sam." She's trying to avoid confrontation. "Let's go inside, Nop. Come on."

Mon grabbed Nop's arm and lead towards her front gate. Did she have to touch him? I looked in the backseat, grabbed the bag of food and closed the door of Ms. Duanpen a little harder than I intended. Sorry, Ms. Duanpen. It's not your fault this idiot exists. I walked towards the gate as well.

Sam: "Mon!" I extended my arm with the bag in hand. "You forgot Auntie Pohn's prawns." Nop tried to grab the gab.

Nop: "Thank you." I moved the bag away immediately. I am not trying to go to jail, but I will if this idiot doesn't get away from Mon and me right now.

Sam: "It's for Mon." Mon grabbed it.

Mon: "Thank you." She looked between us worriedly. Don't worry Mon I won't kill him yet.

Sam: "What's your relationship with Mon?"

Nop: "Me? I'm her..."

Mon: "Friend!"

Nop: "Yeah, her friend."

Sam: "A friend? You're acting like a boyfriend which can't be right because I just kissed her."

Mon: "Lady Sam!"

Sam: "What? It looks like a relationship to me. You seem to be intimate. You're so nice to her that Mon can't push you away because she will seem like a bad person if she does. In other words, she can't reject you. But, deep down, you already know that, to Mon, you can't be more than her friend." I smirked. Mon couldn't look at Nop.

Nop: "Has Mon ever told you that I can never be more than her friend?" He looked so cocky, I hate him so much.

Sam: "Tell him Mon." Mon looked between us. I hate that he's so close to you, he practically has his arm around you.

Nop: "What about you, Lady Sam? From which position are you asking me this question, Lady Sam?" Damn it. I couldn't say girlfriend because we just kissed.

Sam: "Do I need one to ask?" Nop gave me a confused look. "Well then... How about the position of a closer friend?" It pained me to say it, but what else could I say?

Mon: "'s getting late. You should go home, Lady Sam." WHAT?! Why do I have to leave?!

Sam: "This is a rare opportunity, Mon. Tell him. Use this opportunity to clear things up." I was getting frustrated with Mon's attitude. I know she wants to avoid a conflict or to avoid saying these things to Nop, but really? I can't have the woman that I like surrounded by people who want her without them knowing she's mine.

Mon walked closer to me and whispered so only I could hear. I kept my eyes on Nop.

Mon: "Lady Sam, some situations can't be clarified straight away. May I have some time to talk to Nop?" I looked at Nop once more before planting a kiss on Mon's lips. She smiled sweetly at me and caressed my cheek.

Sam: "Fine. I'll message you when I get home. Let me know if he does anything to you okay?" I kissed her forehead and got in my car.

Nop, Mr. Chin, Kirk... men are my problem!

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