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Sam: "Damn it, Sam! What the hell is wrong with you?! Why do you keep hurting the people you love?! You're going to lose Mon if you keep doing things like this." I got into Ms. Duanpen and hit my hand on the steering wheel a couple of times. I cried so hard out of anger and frustration.

I called the girls. I asked them to meet up with me in the park near my favorite restaurant. They basically ran over to me as soon as they saw me.
Jim: "Sam, what happened?!" I hugged her tightly and broke down. Kate and Tee joined us in the hug.
Kate: "It's okay, Sam. Let it out." I sobbed uncontrollably for a few minutes until I felt like I couldn't cry anymore.

Tee gave me a water bottle and I took a couple of sips.

Tee: "Can you tell us what happened?"
Sam: "I..."
Kate: "Take your time, sweetie." 

Sam: "It's a lot so just listen ok?" They all nodded. I took a deep breath in and told them everything. "Engfa is back. Yes, my sister Engfa is back in Thailand. She's married to Charlotte and they have a kid. She's been working at Diversity for the past two months. I met with her, we talked. Well we didn't actually talk. It was more like I told her everything I felt and she listened to me rant. Then I told her if she wanted to leave again, she could and I haven't heard anything from her since." Jim and Kate were about to say something when I stopped them. "That's not all. I fought with Mon. It was very serious. I just get so jealous and possessive when anyone is around her. She was talking to Kirk and Kirk grabbed her hands, I got so mad I pushed her and she scrapped her knee. I punched Kirk too so I'm all about the violence today."

Tee high fived me and I kept going. "I went back to Mon to apologize and I saw Nope consoling her. I was just so blinded by rage that I told her to go away, to go with him and she did. I know I was wrong, but I don't understand what is so wrong about not wanting anyone to touch her! She's my girlfriend. Nope and Kirk didn't need to touch her at all. Oh I almost forgot I broke up with Kirk too and told him I was in love with someone else." They all looked at me expectantly. "That's it."

Kate: "Ok Sam you need to talk to Mon. What you did to her wasn't right. Even if Kirk and Nope touched her as a sympathetic gesture you shouldn't have talked to her like that or pushed her. She could have been badly hurt."
Sam: "I know! I know!"
Jim: "We all know Mon will forgive you. It might take a little time, but she loves you so we know you two will be fine. Now..." She smacked my arm a couple of times.
Sam: "Oww!" 

Jim: "What have we told you about dealing with a lot of things all by yourself?! You talked to Engfa and we didn't even know about it. How long has it been?"
Sam: "It doesn't matter! What matter is I don't want to lose Engfa again. I want to be close to her and Charlotte and I want to meet my niece or nephew and be a part of their lives. I want all of us to be a family and I want Mon to be a part of it too."
Tee: "Ok, the Engfa situation can be solved later on. Right now you need to fix things with Mon. Go and talk to her." 

Sam: "No. She told me to cool down and I didn't and look at what happened. I'm just going to wait until tomorrow so I can properly talk to her and beg for forgiveness." Kate patted my back.
Kate: "You sure got yourself into a mess, Fuzzy." I sighed.
Sam: "I know, but I'll try to fix it tomorrow. I just needed to let it all out."
Jim: "That's why we keep telling you to talk to us, but you refuse to do it." I shrugged.
Sam: "I keep it in mind. I talked to Mon about Engfa. Actually she's the one that helped me figure it out." I started to panic. "What if she doesn't forgive me? I can't live without her." Tee placed her hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. 

Tee: "She will. Just give her time."
Kate: "Go home and cool off, Fuzzy ok?"
Jim: "Are you okay to drive?" I nodded. "Ok then. Call us if you need anything."
Kate: "We love you Fuzzy."
Tee: "Congratulations on hitting Kirk. I've been wanting to do that for a while." I laughed and patted Tee on the back.
Sam: "Thanks! Hopefully the news about what happened doesn't reach grandmother before I get a chance to talk to her myself."

I drove home, took a nice long shower and headed to bed. I couldn't sleep at all. I kept thinking about what happened with Mon, Kirk and Nope. I thought about Engfa too. I thought about how grandmother will react when she finds out I broke up with Kirk to be with Mon. I thought about how grandmother will react when she finds out that Engfa and Charlotte got married and have a baby. I tried to keep a positive attitude, but I know for sure that the worst is yet to come. If Mon is willing to fight along side me, I will go against the world as long as I have her with me.

I received a text message from Kirk early in the morning asking to meet up to talk. I thought about saying no, but we needed to set things straight. I didn't want any miss communications. Our break up was final and I didn't want him to think that if he tried harder he would stand a chance. Not even if he reincarnated as Mario Maurer. (Famous Thai actor, singer and model)

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