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I parked the car in the garage. Mon walked behind me like a soldier without saying anything. When we walked into the living room, I clapped my hands so the lights would turn on. I loved having this feature in the house and at the office as well. Mon was looking around everywhere with a smile on her face. Mission accomplished, finally got her to come to my house.

Sam: "Hey you." I grabbed a glass of wine. "What happened, my fan?" I could see the faint blush on her cheeks. "Are you so happy that you've lost your mind?" Mon just stared. "Ahh, silly me! I know what happened to my fan. The answer is clear. You happen to be my fan and now you're at my house."

Mon: "You've been making fun of me all the way here. I think you should stop." I smirked.

Sam: "No."

Mon: "Um... Where would you like to work?" She changed the topic.

Sam: "I don't want to work yet. I want to take a bath." I walked towards her. "I always take a bath when I arrive home." Mon avoided my eyes.

Mon: "Okay. Then, you may go take a bath. I'll continue my work on the sofa."

Sam: "Okay." That means I would have to go upstairs alone. Nope. "Um...Mon, you can go upstairs and work in my room." Better to be safe than sorry.

Mon: "It's fine. I can do it here." I am not going upstairs by myself. She placed her bag on the table close to us.

Sam: "Upstairs in my room is better." I didn't want her to know I'm scared, but she was making this harder than it needed to be. I'm her boss, she should do as I say, no exceptions.

Mon: "Lady Sam, please hurry and wash up." She got a little closer to me as if whispering a secret. " careful. When you wash your face, there might be strings of hair coming out from the shower head." I looked towards the stairs. I think I saw a shadow up there. "And... you must not look into the mirror in the bathroom." Why? I was scared out of my mind already. "Because..." She clapped really loudly making me scream. "We don't know what you'll see."

I covered my mouth in embarrassment. Mon was just trying to scare me, and I fell right into her trap. I know it's because I haven't slept much, but really? Why didn't I see this coming? Mon was giggling.

Sam: "Quit it!" I scolded her, but she was still smiling. "Come with me." I grabbed her hand. She barely had a chance to grab her bag before we started walking upstairs hand in hand. It was becoming a habit. Her hand fit in mine so well. She didn't take her hand away either time, so I took that as a good sign. Her hands were very soft.

Mon sat on the small storage box that I had at the foot of the bed while I walked into the bathroom. I calmed my breathing while the tub was filling up with water. I added the soap into the water and turned on a couple of candles. I removed my clothes and got into the lukewarm water. I was starting to wash my arms, but all I could hear was the quiet sloshing of the water.

Sam: "Mon! Don't stay quiet."

Mon: "Okay." Her voice got closer to the door. I wish she would come in. I would feel safer with her in here as well.

Sam: "You must make your presence known." I was passing the bath sponge all over my chest. I kept looking around for a shadow or any sign of anything paranormal. "You can sing, talk, or do whatever, but don't stay quiet."

Mon: "Okay, I'll sing for you." I waited patiently while I washed my feet. Mon started singing the worst song that I could have ever heard right now. "Krasue, the filth-eating spirit, it's a woman during the day. It has everything an ordinary woman does." The sound of Mon's fingers climbing up the door were the last thing I heard before I yelled at Mon.

Sam: "Mon! Not this one! Another song!" I HATED the Krasue. My sisters made sure of that. I can't even hear that song without panicking. Worse, I'm in a bathroom with only one exit and if the Krasue appears, I swear that I will run out of this bathroom butt naked. I don't care if Mon sees anything, I AM NOT dealing with the Krasue in this house!

Mon: "Are there any other scary themed songs?" This woman is trying to get on my last damn nerve. I was annoyed at this point.

Sam: "If you keep singing scary songs, I'll cut your salary." She couldn't say no fast enough.

Mon: "I just wanted to tease you a little, Lady Sam." That's what I get for teasing her first.

Sam: "If you don't sing, come take a bath with me." I made an attempt to get out of the tub.

Mon: "No! I'll sing you a song." I played with the bath sponge trying to calm myself down. If anyone else saw or heard me like this, they would think less of me, but I know Mon won't. Mon started singing 'Is it all my imagination' by Zom Marie. "It appeared to me that you loved me, but perhaps it's just my imagination. You've never said that you love me. I'm the only one imagining things. All the time you spent together with me, is it only my imagination? Then what about the embrace, the warmth? Could you tell me if those are real or if they're simply my imagination."

Her voice was beautiful. I relaxed so much that I giggled under my breath. I don't know if she really like that song or if she was trying to tell me something, but I'm sticking with the second option. I really do believe that I'm not the only one feeling whatever this is. There was something about Mon that made me want to be with her all the time, make sure she's okay, happy. I really hope she feels like this as well.

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