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Mon and I arrived together to the office. Little by little I have stopped caring about what other people think. I kissed her forehead, wished her a great day and went to my office. I saw a big flower bouquet on my desk. Hmm Mon couldn't have done that. We have been together all the time. There was a small card on the bouquet that said 'Please give me another chance, yours, Kirk'. I sighed frustrated. There goes my happy morning mood. Not even 5 seconds later, Kirk came into the office smiling.

Kirk: "Did you like them?"
Sam: "Yeah... they're pretty. Thanks."
Kirk: "Will you give a second chance then?"
Sam: "Kirk, sincerely, can I ask you a question?"
Kirk: "Anything, love."
Sam: "Are you stupid or something?" He looked taken aback. "I'm being serious here. I told you yesterday and the day before that we are over. No more engagement, no more fake dating, nothing other than business partners. I broke up with you. Where did you get the idea that I wanted to try again? I'm already with someone Kirk. What do I have to say to get it through your thick skull huh?!"

Kirk: "Sam, I- I don't accept that."
Sam: "I'm not asking your permission, Kirk. I already told you it's over. I'm talking with grandmother soon so she can know that this is over and I won't change my mind."
Kirk: "But we work so well together, Sam. What does he have that I don't?!"
Sam: "Ugh! Oh my god. We already went through this, Kirk. I..."

Someone knocked on the door.
Yha: "Excuse me, Lady Boss and Mr. Kirk. There's someone here to see you both." I wasn't expecting anyone.
Kirk: "Who is it?"
Yha: "You may come in, ma'am."
Kirk: "Ms. Nita..." Nita Jensen walked into my office. This is going to be a long day. She ignored Kirk completely and walked straight towards.
Nita: "It's great to finally meet you, Lady Sam." She extended her hand to me and I shook it. I looked between her and Kirk. Kirk seemed worried about this meeting. What did you do, Kirk?

I sat down, Kirk stood beside me and Nita sat in front of me. I called aunt Mhee and asked her to bring some water for Nita. I felt intimidated by her, but I hoped she couldn't tell. She's gorgeous. Just from her stare I can tell that she's a worthy opponent. I have heard of her through business meetings and that time she and Mon met, but this is my first time seeing her face to face. Her gaze was unwavering.

Sam: "You should have scheduled a meeting. We couldn't welcome you properly with such a sudden visit."
Nita: "There's no need to be so formal. I like keeping things casual."
Sam: "Did you need to discuss something?"
Nita: "Oh! Mr. Kirk hasn't told you yet?" I looked at Kirk.
Kirk: "I haven't had the chance, Ms. Nita."
Nita: "I'm sorry that I spoiled the news."
Sam: "What news?"

Nita: "I'm interested in partnering with Diversity, Lady Sam." I remembered everything in a split second. The mole issue, Kirk asking if I wished to partner with another company, Kirk being extra interested in Diversity Pop. Now it all made sense. This stupid idiot was the mole!
Kirk: "Listen, Sam. I want our company to grow bigger and become more stable. I believe with a partnership with Ms. Nita's company we can achieve that."
Nita: "I'm very impressed with your work, Lady Sam. I personally enjoy the Diversity Pop and Diverse Beauty pages the most. I came all the way here in the hopes that you won't turn me down."

That's right! The meeting Mon had was about Diverse Beauty. So this woman is interested in Mon and in my sister. Oh hell no! I breathed in deeply so I wouldn't kill Kirk right then and there.
Sam: "Please excuse us one moment. Kirk, can we talk?" I walked out of the office pissed off.
Kirk: "Sam..." He grabbed my arm and I got away from his grip.
Sam: "Don't fucking touch me right now." Most of the employees could hear our conversation so we headed upstairs.

Kirk: "Sam, come on. Everyone can hear you."
Sam: "I don't care Kirk. How could you do this?! You were the mole this whole time and then pretended not to know anything!"
Kirk: "The company is your dream. I was just trying to do everything possible so grandmother can't shut it down!"
Sam: "How could you talk to her without telling me?"
Kirk: "I wanted to settle everything first before telling you."
Sam: "You fucking stabbed me in the back, Kirk. I told you not long ago that I was never interested in a partnership and what do you do? Share our content, make deals behind my back and then come with flowers hoping everything will be ok!"
Kirk: "I'm sorry! I truly am. I thought this was the best move for us!"

Sam: "Is there anything else that I don't know about?"
Kirk: "That time that Mon and I were seen together and the employees spread rumors? I was actually thanking her for giving me the chance to tell you the truth about Nita. She wanted to tell you as soon as she saw us meeting, but I made her promise not to." So you made Mon lie to me! You caused such a big fight between us over something I have already told you that I don't want!
Sam: "Who else knows about this??"
Kirk: "Mon, Nita and I. That's everyone."
Sam: "I will fix your mistake, but this is the last thing you will ever do for this company."
Kirk: "What do you mean, Sam?"
Sam: "We're done, Kirk. We're done relationship wise and being business partners."

I walked away enraged. He came after me and pulled on my arm.
Sam: "Kirk, don't fucking touch me!" He let go and raised his hands in defeat.
Kirk: "I know you're very upset, but please calm down! Everything I did was for you. Please, don't break up with me. I love you."
Sam: "Kirk, we are already broken up and now I can't even trust you with work. Our partnership is done. Pack up your things and leave."
Kirk: "I'm not breaking up with you. We're getting married, Sam."
Sam: "I told you I already have a lover." I heard documents falling on the floor nearby. Mon.

She picked up the papers she dropped and started walking away.
Sam: "Don't go, Mon." I looked at Kirk. "Mon is my girlfriend."
Kirk: "Are you kidding, Sam?" I reached out, grabbed her hand and pulled her close to me.
Sam: "I'm not kidding. I'm in love with her and I don't want to hide it anymore. She's the reason why I have been so happy for the past couple of months and I'm not willing to let her go for anything or anyone so please, Kirk, for the last time, get it through your thick skull that we're over." Mon and I left Kirk alone. I heard him yelling, but again, not my problem anymore.

Mon pulled on my arm gently to get me to stop walking. She pulled me into a much needed hug and kissed my lips.
Mon: "Are you ok, baby?" I pressed our foreheads together.
Sam: "I am now. God, I really needed you in that moment. Thank you for showing up when you did. And I don't just mean a few moments ago." She smiled and I kissed her once more. "Ok, I have to go finish talking with Nita. I'll see you later, babe." She nodded and let me go.

I headed back into the office and placed myself in front of Nita.
Sam: "Ms. Nita, I'm afraid I have to inform you that Mr. Kirk has been relieved of his responsibilities to this company so any and all possible deals and partnerships that he was making are currently under review or being denied. In your case, it's a no. I am not interested in partnering with anyone."
Nita: "Are you sure you know what you're doing, Lady Sam?"
Sam: "I'm sure. I'm sorry that you came all the way down here and wasted your time." She chuckled.
Nita: "Oh it wasn't a waste. I got to see Kornkamon once more and I finally had the chance to meet you in person."
Sam: "I would also like to clarify that Kornkamon is my girlfriend so if you could please refrain from hitting on her, I would really appreciate it. I wouldn't want there to be any awkwardness between us in our line of business." She smiled.
Nita: "Ohh I knew that goddess of a woman could not be single. What a shame. But I'm glad she's with someone of your stature, Lady Sam. Hopefully we will all meet again soon." She stood up and extended her hand to me. I shook it and she leaned in for a hug. "I will see you later, my beautiful Lady Sam."

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