The Spy

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I walked into my office after speaking with Mon. Today felt like it will be a long day. I prepared myself for what was coming. I removed my blazer and placed it on the back of my chair. I took off my glasses and checked the dark circles under my eyes. Damn it Mon. I look horrible. I put on some more make up, but the damage had already been done. Hopefully my baggy eyes will be gone after a good night's sleep.

I checked our Facebook page. Our followers were still around the same number which meant we had to start publishing the new content for Diversity Pop immediately. I was scrolling through the home page when I saw an article published by our enemy company which looked almost exactly the same as what Mon presented. This couldn't be happening. I was very upset. Somebody shared confidential information with our nemesis.

I walked outside of my office and yelled to the team.

Sam: "We have a spy!" They all looked at me startled. "Who leaked our secrets to another company?" I looked at every face around the room and then landed on Mon's. No. It couldn't be her, could it? Although, she did just join the company. She could have been sent as a spy to get information and lead us to bankruptcy. I dismissed the thought and told everyone to go the meeting room.

I turned on the projector screen for everyone to see the web page. Our opponent for years has been Nita Creative and Event Exhibition. They always had more followers, more content, more popularity in general. Now, they also had a spy who joined my company and leaked information directly to them. I called Kirk to let him know what happened, but he didn't respond. I left a couple of messages telling him we had a company emergency.

Sam: "Just moments ago, Ms. Nita's page posted an article with similar content as Ms. Kornkamon's." They all looked at each other. "People can share similar views, but this is almost identical. And it was deliberately posted before us. There must be a traitor for sure." Everyone looked worried. "Who did it?!" I yelled in vain knowing the person wouldn't just stand up voluntarily and confess.

I devised a better plan which would help me find the traitor and any other detail that might be affecting the company without me noticing.

Sam: "If nobody is going to confess, I will interrogate each of you." Most of them confessed to silly mistakes and errors they had made, but nothing substantial. No one gave me any traitor vibes. Most were in the company since it began so if they had leaked any secrets before it wasn't noticeable. The only one who was left was Mon. Please, don't let it be her.

She walked into my office with her head held high. That's a good sign, but I couldn't lose my focus.

Sam: "Why are you still standing? Come sit. Shut the door." She did as she was told. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't be gentle with her. I had to treat her like everyone else. "You're the content creator. You have everything in your hands."

Mon: "Do you really think I did it, Lady Sam?" No.

Sam: "How much money did that company offer you?" She might have done it for money since she's poor.

Mon: "I've done everything I can to get to work at your company." I stood up and walked closer to her. The other felts intimidated when I did this which made them confess all their mistakes. "And I've succeeded. So, why would I do it? Why would I destroy my own future?" She sounded so sincere. "I would never betray someone I..." Wait! What was she going to say? I leaned on the desk beside her.

Sam: "What did you just say?" I moved her face towards me and leaned closer. "Never betray someone you what?" Was she going to say that she liked me? I kept looking into her eyes and she hesitated a moment before speaking again.

Mon: "I would never betray anyone here." I could feel her honesty, but I know she was also hiding something else. I think it was more personal than company related so I didn't push further. "My mum always tells me that we must be grateful and hones if we want to succeed in life. So, how about this? I'll come up with new content to replace the old one." I could feel in my heart that she didn't do it. So, who was did? There was a knock at the door.

Yha: "Excuse me, Boss. That page took down the article already." It wasn't Mon. 

Sam: "There must be a mole in our company." How would the company know that we know they know we know? Mon left my office deep in thought. I don't know how she will come up with the new content, but I need to find a way to prevent it from being leaked.

I heard some chattering outside and Kirk's voice. He finally decided to show up. I was sitting in front of the TV watching Animal Planet to calm down. It was so relaxing for me to just watch the animals in their natural environment. Kirk came into my office, and I refused to look at him. Usually, he came running as soon I called, but today he left me alone to deal with all of this. I sighed exasperated.

Kirk: "Here, have some water." He handed me a glass and I took a sip. "You've been sighing since I arrived. How about we see a movie this evening?" Really? A date? As if I would be in the mood for that.

Sam: "There's a movie here." I had switched the channel and the movie Grinch had come on. He grabbed the remote and muted the tv.

Kirk: "It's not the same as watching it at a movie theatre. Let's go. We can have dinner." I shook my head no.

Sam: "You know that this company is the only source of happiness in my life." He sighed. It's the truth, whether he likes it or not.

Kirk: "Marrying me doesn't make you happy, Sam?" If I could laugh, I would. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "That really hurts."

Sam: "Why bother asking when you already know the answer?"

Kirk: "Ouch, my heart hurts." His drama. Can't he see that this is not about him? My company is suffering and all he can think about is himself.

Sam: "Quit joking around." He nudged my shoulder trying to be cute. "Messy." I sat a bit further away from him, too much contact.

Kirk: "How about this? I promise that I'll do everything in my power to protect your source of happiness. Is that okay?"

Sam: "I called you this morning, but you didn't pick up the call." He looked deep in thought. "Is something wrong?"

Kirk: "What? Nothing!" He was acting strange, but I didn't care enough to push. "I'll always be by your side no matter what happens. You want some coffee? I'll get it for you." I nodded. I haven't even had breakfast. I knew today would be a long day. 

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