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3rd person P.O.V
A few days ago when Kirk spoke to Sam about hiring Mon back, Kirk had called Noi in the middle of the night regarding Mon's return.
Kirk: "Good evening, Noi. Sorry to bother you at this hour."
Noi: "It's fine, Mr Kirk. Is everything ok?"
Kirk: "Yeah, everything is fine. I was just wondering what our policy was on rehiring someone."
Noi: "Hmm well the company policies don't state anywhere that it isn't possible, but it might be frowned upon."
Kirk: "Hm..."
Noi: "Is this about Mon?"
Kirk: "Yes, I want her back in the company. I'll talk to her soon and see if she might reconsider quitting." Noi thought it was suspicious that Mr. Kirk was so interested in Mon. "Anyways, thank you for answering my question. Enjoy your night and again sorry for bothering you at this time."
Noi: "No problem sir. Enjoy your night."

After speaking with Lady Sam, Noi went to the lunch room to make a cup of coffee. Her head was filling up with wrong ideas, at she hoped they were wrong. Aunt Mhee was in the lunch room sweeping under the tables. They greeted each other with a smile.

Noi: "Umm Aunt Mhee."
Mhee: "Yes?"
Noi: "Has Mr. Kirk arrived yet?"
Mhee: "I haven't seen him, Noi." She sighs and makes sure no one else is nearby listening before speaking.
Noi: "Mr. Kirk called me in the middle of the night a few days ago."
Mhee: "What?!" She was startled and almost hit Noi with the broom. "Sorry, sorry."
Noi: "Agh! Aunt Mhee." She moved the broom away.
Mhee: "I got over excited. Sorry Noi. Was he trying to flirt around with you?" She looked at Noi with a smug look. 

Noi: "No. That wasn't the case." Noi had a crush on Mr. Kirk since she started working at Diversity.
Mhee: "What a shame. Unless..."
Noi: "Ugh! I have to get back to work, I have to draw up a contract for Mon."
Mhee: "Mon?! She's coming back."
Noi: "Yes! Mr. Kirk convinced her to come back to work here." She drank a sip of her coffee and grabbed her bag. "I have to go. Don't tell anyone." 

Mhee: "Of course not sweetie." As soon as Noi left, Mhee found Yha and Chin in the hallway and stopped them. "Mr. Kirk called Noi in the middle of the night!"
Yha/Chin: "Huh?! What?!"
Yha: "Mr. Kirk called Noi in the middle of the night?"
Mhee: "Mhm."
Yha: "Did he want to kick Chin out of the company?"
Chin: "Hey! Watch what you're saying. If I'm getting fired, you are leaving with me because..." His eyes were now wide open as he and Yha exchanged looks. Aunt Mhee noticed immediately.
Mhee: "Aha! That sounds like you two have been up to no good. Am I right?"
Yha/Chin: "No! It's nothing, auntie." Mhee didn't believe a word they said, but they would all find out soon enough. 

Yha: "Anyways, what did Mr. Kirk say? Is someone getting fired?"
Mhee: "No one is getting fired. Mon is coming back." She whispered so no one else could hear. Like wildfire the rumors of Mon coming back and speculation that it was because Mon and Mr. Kirk had a relationship spread throughout the company.
All of the workers huddled together in a semi circle near their work area to talk about the news.
Noi: "Mr. Kirk has never gone against Lady Sam's wishes. We all know before Mon quit she basically fired her because of the followers thing which means Mon is very important to him." They all agreed. 

Toey: "OMG!" They all got startled since she had barely spoken. "I once saw Mr. Kirk asking Mon out for dinner." They all gasped. "I think Mr. Kirk has a crush on Mon."
Yha: "Hey! Stop it! Mr. Kirk is Lady Sam's fiancé. He probably knows that Lady Sam really liked Mon and asked her to come back. Don't start spreading rumors without knowing."
Mhee: "But doesn't it seem suspicious?"

Kirk: "Good morning everyone!" They all screamed and looked in the direction of Mr. Kirk, Mon was standing behind him.
All: "Good morning, Mr. Kirk."
Kirk: "Mon is back to work." Everyone smiled and clapped. "You might be surprised by this, but please look at it as if Mon never left ok?" They all agreed and greeted Mon.
Mon: "Good morning everyone." She felt happy to be back working at Diversity. In such a short time she learned to love the company and its people. Kirk led Mon to her seat.
Kirk: "Hey Mon I'm going to speak to Sam and after that I have a meeting. Welcome back."
Mon: "Thank you Mr. Kirk." 

Yha: "Mon! I'm so glad that you're back. It hasn't been the same without you." They hugged each other tightly.
Mon: "I missed all of you, but I'm happy to be back." Kirk went into Sam's office and told her that Mon was outside working. He talked about something else, but she was too busy texting Mon. 

Text messages
Sam: "God, I wish I could go out there and kiss you. I want the world to know that you're mine."
Mon: "Baby😳! I missed you too, but we have to keep it professional ok?"
Sam: "Ok, I'll keep it in my pants😂. So happy to have you back baby. Enjoy your first day back. I love you♥️."
Mon: "😂 Control yourself Samanun. Thank you for convincing me to come back. I love you🫶🏽"
Kirk tried to get Sam's attention various times.
Kirk: "Hey Sam. I'm leaving to go the investors meeting."
Sam: "Yeah, yeah. Bye then." She sent various heart stickers to Mon.

Mon received a text message from Jim in the group chat asking her to meet them at a café nearby. Mon informed Yha that she would come back soon and if anyone asked for her they could call her. Mon left to go to the café which was two blocks away. Jim and Tee were waving at her as she arrived.
Tee: "Hey Mon. Long time no see."
Jim: "Hi Mon! We missed you."
Mon: "I missed you too. Sorry for not answering back the messages. I've had my hands full for the past couple of days." 

Tee: "That's okay. We just wanted to know how you and Fuzzy are doing."
Jim: "Yes. Give us the gossip."
Mon: "Well, we had our first time last night." They screamed in excitement and got up off their chairs.
Tee: "I knew Fuzzy wouldn't let me down!"
Jim: "That's my best friend! Wohoo! How was it?"
Mon: "It was perfect. Not like I dreamed it but so much better." 

Jim: "Was she too much?"
Mon: "Nop, she was so caring and respectful, but also aggressive and controlling."
Tee: "Wait, Mon. But wasn't that your first time with anyone?"
Mon: "Yes, but I don't think vanilla sex works for us." Jim covered her mouth.
Jim: "OMG she's so confident and bold all of a sudden."
Tee: "The influence of Sam." Tee laughed. They all spent a couple more minutes together before Mon let them know she had to go back to work.

Meanwhile Sam was planning a wonderful evening with her girlfriend.

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