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I was already asleep when I felt the phone vibrating on the nightstand. I saw Amanda's name on the screen and answered it. "Hey, is everything okay?" It was weird for her to call me, she usually just texted me so I guess it was important. "Sam! Sorry to bother you, but you need to come to the hospital right now. It's Mon, she's awake." I hung up the call immediately after that. I ran to get dressed and called the girls. "What the hell Sam? It's time to sleep." Jim groaned. Tee was yawning and Kate looked wide awake. "She's awake." They all screamed excitedly and ran to get their things. I grabbed my car keys, my handbag and go into Ms. Duanpen. I called Charlotte since I know P'Fa is a heavy sleeper and won't answer the call. "Sam, did something happen?" I smiled. "She's awake." I heard Char smacking P'Fa awake. "W-whaaat??...Really?!!...Let's go then. I'll get Song." I thought of calling grandmother, but it's not like she's Mon's biggest fan even though she accepts us. "We'll be there in a few minutes. We have to try not to wake up Song, but we'll be there." The call got cut off when I heard Charlotte whisper yelling at P'Fa to stop making so much noise. 

All of our moments flashed through my mind as I sped up to get to the hospital. The first day that I saw her in school and saved her from being hit by that car, when we met again at Diversity and she crashed into my arms, our first kiss, our first time making love, when she asked me to marry her and so many more moments that would seem less important, but they aren't. I looked at the ring and the bracelet that we both wore. My Mon is back, I can't believe it. I waited so long for this moment and now it's finally here. I parked the car near the front of the hospital. The nurse at the station looked at me as I walked past. "Excuse me, miss. Visiting hours are over." I kept walking, took the elevator to Mon's floor and halted before walking inside of her room. I pinched my arm twice. I wasn't dreaming right? I've had this dream before and I wouldn't be able to stand it if it's not true this time. I slowly opened the door and saw Mon sleeping peacefully. 

I walked towards her bed and sat beside her. "M-Mon?" I asked tentatively in the hopes that this wasn't a dream. Mon opened her eyes slowly and smiled when our eyes met. "Hey you." I hugged her tightly and cried into her arms as she caressed my back. Thank god! "You came back to me." Mon moved me away a little bit and placed her hands on my face. "I will always come back to you." I looked between her eyes and her lips. It's been so long since we last kissed that it felt like the first time. I leaned in slowly and kissed her, Mon wrapped her arms around me. The feeling that I was missing something slowly faded away. I needed her, I needed Mon. Someone cleared their throat interrupting our happy moment. "Well I see the patient is doing well and being taken care of." Mon and I laughed. "Thank you for calling me, Amanda." She smiled. "See? I told you she would wake up soon." 

I looked at Mon and kissed her forehead snugging up close. "Nuh-uh. Sam, she needs to get some rest. Her doctor will come by tomorrow to check that everything is okay." I pouted at Amanda and Mon giggled. "But the whole family is coming. We won't bother her." Amanda looked confused. "What do you..." The screams of glee when the girls arrived and saw Mon awake might have woken up the whole hospital. They brought balloons, chocolates and stuffed animals. "Sorry we're late. We stopped by the store to get you a few things Mon. How are you feeling?" Mon laughed. "A little sleepy, but I'm okay." Kate gave her a stuffed animal. "Sleepy?? Girl, all you have done is sleep and if I know Sam as well as I do I know that when you get out of this hospital she won't let you sleep at all if you catch my drift." Mon blushed and I hugged her tighter. "Sam, the girl is not running away. You can let her breath so we can all hug her." I shook my head as Tee scowled at me. I'm not letting her go ever again. 

"Sorry we're late. P'Fa had to battle with a nurse downstairs who was yelling about the visiting hours being over. She should come up soon. Hi Mon! You feeling ok?" Mon nodded. Amanda took it as her cue to leave. "Ok please keep it down. There are other patients next door. I'll go talk to the nurse. It's great to finally meet you, Mon. I've heard a lot about you. I'll get going then." Amanda patted my shoulder and left the room. Mon looked at the gesture with an eyebrow raised. "She's just a friend, my love. There's a lot that you need to catch up on, but all in due time." She puckered her lips and I kissed her. "Hey! There's a kid present even if he's asleep." P'Fa had come into the room and stood beside Char and Song. Mon looked at me and I moved away a little bit. "P'Fa!" Her eyes watered as soon as she saw my sister and she raised her arms asking for a hug. "I had to waddle all the way here, but it was worth it. It's good to see you, Mon." They hugged each other and Mon laid a hand on her belly. "When are you due?" P'Fa caressed her belly. "In less than three months." Mon smiled and I wiped her tears away. "Thank you." P'Fa looked confused. "What do you mean? For getting pregnant? That was Char's fault." We all laughed when Char scowled at P'Fa. "No, thank you for what you did. I heard you."

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