Halloween Prank

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Charlotte and I barely had time to do anything but work, sleep, eat and be with Song. Song was the most perfect baby. He slept most of the time and only cried when he was hungry. He reminded me a lot of Song. She used to be like this too. Sometimes I would go check on her when she was in the crib. She was usually awake at night but didn't cry or anything. She just stared at the ceiling, played with her feet or her rubber ducky which was one of her favorite toys. 

Tonight, my son decided he would not sleep. Char had a very important meeting tomorrow, so I took care of Song. I tried everything. I changed his diaper, gave him a warm shower, fed him, we played peak-a-boo, but nothing worked. I tried rocking him to sleep with a song, but I had a sore throat, so it was more like a rooster was trying to sing for him.

Engfa: "Ok Song, I need to sleep too sweetie so I'm going to tell you a story. This happened to your auntie Sam. Remember I told you about her right." He had stopped crying and was staring at me while I talked. "Sam had always been a brave kid until the last Halloween we all spent together. Sam, Song, and I were planning the best Halloween party for the family. We couldn't invite friends over because it wasn't a formal event which is the only thing royals attended."

He was starting to doze off, so I continued the story.

Engfa: "All three of us chose a costume to wear. I was a gladiator, Song was a boxer because she didn't want to waste money on a costume, so she chose clothes she already had, and Sam dressed as a princess. We played hide and seek, ate candy with our parents and exchanged ghost stories. What Sam didn't know was that Song and I were going to scare her."

I carried him to the crib laying him down gently. He almost woke up with the movement, but I rubbed his belly so he would continue sleeping.

Engfa: "When Sam went to sleep, Song and I started our prank. There's a legend in Thailand of the Krasue. She's supposed to be a beautiful woman with her organs hanging by her neck meaning she didn't have a body. Your auntie Sam is scared of ghosts but most of all the Krasue. With a tape recorder that we placed under her bed, she woke up to the song of the Krasue. She knew it was a prank but didn't know where the song was coming from."

Song was already asleep, but I missed my sisters, so I kept telling the story out loud for myself.

Engfa: "Song and I were hiding in her closet which was a walk in closet, so we had many places to hide. Sam checked almost all of her room except the closet. We had placed a wire on the door so that when Sam opened it a mannequin we painted to look like the Krasue would move towards her and scare her, which is exactly what happened. Sam ran out screaming her little lungs out. Mum and Dad woke up startled while Song and I were laughing our butts off in her closet."

Char had woken up and walked into the room. She checked out Song making sure he was asleep. I patted my lap and she sat on it while we were both in the rocking chair beside our son. Char asked me to keep going.

Engfa: "Mum and Dad scolded us for scaring Sam. Sam wouldn't even look at us for the next couple of days, she even slept with Mum and Dad. Sam got her revenge though. A few days later with the help of Mum and Dad. They dug up a whole in the backyard. All Song and I heard was a scream coming from the garden. We ran as fast as we could. When we got near, one of Sam's shoes laid on top of the dirt. I yelled for Sam when I saw her covered in dirt and what looked like blood on her head. Between Song and I we pulled her up and screamed for Mum and Dad. They came running after us. Sam wouldn't wake up and we were really scared."

Char: "It was just a prank?"

Engfa: "A really mean one, yeah. Mum and Dad tickled Sam and she giggled and opened her eyes. Song and I were so confused. Mum rubbed most of the dirt off from Sam while Dad used a napkin to clean her supposed wound which was just ketchup. Song and I were so mad, but we knew we deserved it. We never got the chance to mess with Sam again."

Char: "You miss them, don't you?"

Engfa: "More than I could ever let you know, but I know Sam will be ok. She's the toughest of all three of us. Plus, this little kid reminds me so much of them every day. Hopefully one day I can see Sam again."

Char: "We will baby." She placed a soft kiss on my lips. "Now, let's go to bed."

Engfa: "But I'm not sleepy." I pouted when she sat up and walked towards the door.

Char: "Who said anything about sleep, my little prankster?" She smirked and headed towards our bedroom. I stood up quickly and checked on Song one more time.

Engfa: "Good night little man. You might have another brother by tomorrow morning." I chuckled, closed his door behind me and ran to our room, my wife was waiting. 

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