Don't give up

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Engfa's POV

After Nita left, I tried to figure out a plan to get out of here and rescue Mon. From what I heard before there's only two guards at the door for me every couple of hours. I don't know how big this place is or where I can find Mon, but I promise you Sam I will find her. The only thing that the room had was a small bathroom which was basically a curtain, a sink and a toilet, a worn out mattress with grey sheets, a single pillow and a lamp in the corner. Five star rating, my ass. I removed the sheets from the bed. I could use them to choke one of them in my escape. I placed the lamp near the door so I could hit whoever came in quickly. When they brought me food, I kept the fork just in case. This was the best that I could do with what I had. If I am able to stop them at least for a few minutes, I can do my best to find Mon before calling the girls. I went into the bathroom to wash my face. I was not ready for what I was about to do, but we were running out of options and out of time. Mon hadn't woken up last I heard. 

A knock on the door startled me. "Hey princess! We're here for you. It's time to get you back home to your sexy wife." I closed the curtains of the bathroom. "Don't come in yet! I don't know what you gave me before, but my stomach is killing me!" I heard the keys jangling and the door opening. "Guard the door while I check on the princess." I held onto the sink for dear life. My heart was beating so loud as I heard his footsteps get closer. "Ok, princess. We have to get you out of here. You can shit yourself in the car. Now let's go." I breathed in deeply and grabbed the fork. "Here goes nothing." I flushed the toilet, moved the curtains a bit and stabbed his right eye with the fork. "You fucking bitch! Larry, help me! The fucking bitch stabbed my eye." I kicked him in the groin twice and punched his face. He was on the floor writhing in pain and trying not to touch the fork. "Damn, the movies sure make this look easy, but it's actually really painful."

Larry had finally heard his friend's cries of pain when I hid beside the door quickly. When Larry came into the room, I hit his face with the lamp and put the sheets over him trying my best to strangle him with them. I kicked the back of his knees causing him to fall face first. The sheets weren't working so I grabbed him by the hair and hit his head on the floor. He groaned in pain and I stepped on his hands so he wouldn't be able to reach me. I pulled with all of my strength on the sheets until I felt that he had stopped moving. I checked his pulse and it seemed like he had just fainted. "Thank god. I didn't want to kill nobody."

I took his gun, his radio and anything that might be useful to me. "You bitch! You fucking killed Larry!" He was crawling his way towards me, I hit him with what was left of the lamp and I kicked him in the face. "You messed with the wrong family." I took his gun and radio and left the room. I made sure to take the keys and lock it so they wouldn't get out and warn their little friends or their boss. I made my way upstairs stealthily with one of the guns in my hand. I don't even know if I'm holding it right, but according to the movies I am. I was turning a corner when I heard Nita's voice. "As soon as Toey arrives, I want you to kill him. Mon has not waken up yet! I've tried everything already!" The guards left in the other direction and she yelled at them. "And call a damn doctor! I told you to do that hours ago!" 

Mon! What the hell did they do to you?! I heard a guard's radio nearby and I got down on the floor. "Larry and Aroon need to hurry up. This woman is driving me crazy with her drama." When he passed by me I hit his head hard with the back of the gun and he fell to the floor. I saw a room nearby and dragged him in it. I didn't want to raise any suspicions. I felt like an action hero. I can't wait to tell Sam and Charlotte about all of this. I walked towards the room where Nita had stepped in. I bet Mon is in there with her. I knocked on the door and waited for her to open it with the gun ready. 

"What the hell is it now?!" Nita saw the gun right in her face. "Walk back slowly and keep your hands where I can see them." I locked the door behind us. "Wow, I have to admit I didn't expect this from you, Engfa." I scoffed. "Never underestimate a pissed off woman trying to get back to her family, Nita." I placed the gun barrel right to the side of her head and she closed her eyes whimpering in fear. "Oh, wow, Nita Jensen is scared of little old me?" I laughed. "I- I told you I was letting you go tonight. You can still go. I don't need you so I won't send anyone after you ok?" The power that I had right now felt amazing. "Hm no, that's not going to work for me. You see, that beautiful young lady right there on that bed is my sister's life so I'm not leaving unless she's with me." 

I heard gun shots being fired outside. I smiled widely. "I guess the cavalry has arrived." Nita looked everywhere for a way to escape. "Oh now you're scared? Wait until Sam gets here. You think I'm scary? My sister is much, much worse especially when they mess with the people she loves." Nita pushed me and we wrestled for the gun. "I won't go to jail! I won't!" She gained some advantage for a second when she straddled me, but I kept pushing through. We're so close to being rescued. I'm not letting her go now. I took out the other gun that I had and started to shoot. Because of our position no bullet hit Nita, they kept ricocheting off the ceiling and the walls. "Stop, Nita! It's over! Give up already!" I heard the gun shot and felt like I couldn't move. "It's over when I say it's over." 

She got off of me. "I'm sorry, Kornkamon, but I'll be back for you, I promise." She unlocked the door and opened it to see Sam holding a gun to her face. "You really messed with the wrong family." Sam shot Nita on the shoulder who fell to the floor. Last thing I saw was my Charlotte running towards me before I passed out. 

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