Without You

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When I woke up Mon had already left. She sent me a text message saying she wanted to see her parents. I sighed in defeat. I have a lot of making up to do. While drinking my coffee, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I grabbed it quickly hoping it would be Mon, but it wasn't. Kirk.

Sam: "Hello."

Kirk: "Hey Sam. We haven't talked since the wedding. I was about to file a missing person's report." He chuckled.

Sam: "Don't be so dramatic. I've been busy with work."

Kirk: "I feel better now that you're talking to me like this. Do you still need space?"

Sam: "Yes, there's still some things I'm working out."

Kirk: "That's okay. I've been waiting this long, I can wait a bit longer." I know he's trying to be cute, romantic, or whatever, but I really didn't care.

Sam: "I'm going to be late for work. We'll talk later."

Kirk: "Um Sam, I heard from Noi that Mon quit. She's a really good worker. I think we should rehire her." I totally forgot about that. How am I going to work today without Mon being there? This day is starting out horribly.

Sam: "I'll think about it, but I don't know if I can convince her to come back."

Kirk: "Don't worry, I'll talk to Mon and then work it out with HR."

Sam: "Ok. I have to hang up now."

Kirk: "Sam, I love you."

Sam: "Same." I hung up the phone call. That was so awkward. Why does Kirk have to make things so complicated?

I drove to work as usual. I walked into the office and the first thing I noticed was Mon's empty desk. I felt my heart break a little bit. I can't work in the office all the time if Mon isn't here anymore. She was the only one that could make my day easier just by smiling.

Sam: "Good morning everyone. I know Ms. Kornkamon has left us, but please do your best to divide her workload amongst yourselves. If you have any questions just let me know." I walked into my office and worked on some contracts that needed to be double checked.

I was about to call Aunt Mhee to ask her to get me a coffee, but I decided to get one myself. I was about to walk into the lunch room when I heard Yha and a couple of other ladies talking about Mon and I.

Yha: "I don't know how we'll survive without Mon. She kept the beast at bay most of the time."

Lou: "I know! Plus did you see how the boss was acting today? She didn't yell at us or anything. I think she's sad that Mon left."

May: "We all are. But I think it's worse for the boss since Mon basically became her right hand. Did she tell you why she quit, Yha?"

Yha: "No, she didn't, but I bet it's because of all the pressure the boss was putting on her. How could just one person handle all of that work load and not get tired?"

Lou: "I agree. Let's get back to work before we awaken the beast." They all laughed and started walking out of the lunch room. They didn't notice me because I was behind the vending machine.

They were right. Mon didn't need to handle all of the workload that I gave her. Maybe if I had treated her better as an employee, we would have gotten closer sooner. I went back into my office and just laid down on the couch. I didn't even want to do anything. Mon hadn't messaged me at all either. I really messed up this time.

I asked Yha to come into the office.

Yha: "Yes, Lady Boss?"

Sam: "Do I have anything pending for today?"

Yha: "No. The contracts were already sent over to Mr. Kirk. That was basically it for today."

Sam: "I'm going to continue working from home, I'm feeling unwell. Please call me if there's anything urgent, but other than that everyone can leave by 5pm. No need to overwork yourselves."

Yha: "O-ok Lady Boss." I dismissed her and started grabbing my things.

I got a glimpse today of what it would be like if Mon isn't in the office anymore and I don't like it. I decided to go to Mon's house to see her. Once I got there, I was greeted by her parents.

Pohn: "Lady Sam, how are you?"

Sam: "All is well. I was wondering if I could speak to Mon."

Dad: "Oh, if you had come over 10 minutes before, you would have met her. She went out with Ms. Nita, I think that's her name." WHAT?!

Sam: "Ms. Nita?"

Pohn: "Yeah, I think that's the name she mentioned."

Sam: "Ok, I'll text her. When she gets home please tell her to call me as soon as possible, thank you."

I left the house fired up with rage. What the hell does Nita want with Mon? How do they even know each other?? I tried calling Mon twice, but she sent my calls directly to voicemail. I sent her a couple of messages which she ignored as well. Ugh! Damn it, Mon! Where are you?!

I called in a favor from my security guards. I asked them to track Mon for me. About an hour later, they let me know she was dining with Nita at The Silk Road, a restaurant in Bangkok. There's no justifiable reason why Nita would take Mon to one of the most expensive restaurants in Bangkok.

I called the restaurant and separated my usual table. I drove over there like a mad woman before they left. I was wearing a hat and a long coat so no one would recognize me. I got to my table, which was a couple of chairs away from where Mon and Nita were sitting. Mon was laughing wholeheartedly and looked like she was having the time of her life.

Was this a date?!

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